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Is the weather taking the piss.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Having had my 6 on axle stands for over a month, the day the wheels went on, well that was the day they came off.
Frustrating as it is, just think the time we have to get all those little and perhaps larger jobs completed, by the way whens the next show and shine ?
My lawn is starting to look the best it has done in years, however I've been advised that 8.30 am isn't an acceptable time to pull the starter on the lawn mover.
Talking of acceptability, I have like many other classic owners have been itching to fire up their first, second or third love ( depending how many children and dogs you have of course) but presently I think cruising down the lanes in your classic is like walking down the high street without a biodegradable shopping bag and a bag of pasta under one arm and a packet of toilet rolls under the other.
So lets do our bit,disconnect the battery and enjoy the time we can have in the garage without feeling we are neglecting other aspects of our lives.
Lets get our cars ready for when the garage doors are lifted and we can see how much difference all the tinkering we have carried out really makes, that is providing the roads haven't been salted !
Remember personal distancing isn't the length of your bonnet.
Stay safe and well.
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15 hours ago, Phil Hayden said:
Frustrating as it is, just think the time we have to get all those little and perhaps larger jobs completed, by the way whens the next show and shine ?
My lawn is starting to look the best it has done in years, however I've been advised that 8.30 am isn't an acceptable time to pull the starter on the lawn mover.

I often think it must be close to how they felt at the start of WW2, all those cars being pushed into garages and no idea of when or if they'd ever see the road again. (although I suppose the Spitfires DID get out)

Round here it's like a grave, no sounds bar the birds and I do feel guilty at starting up the mower and shattering the peace. Even in the garage the music is turned down to a whisper.

When it's all over, and things are back to normal - or as normal as they'll get for a time until society recovers - let's have a club-wide Celebration Drive.


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  • 1 month later...

Colin re cutting the grass I used to do it when the Aussie Rules (AFL) football final was on, no one ever complained!

Were about to come out of Stage 3 restrictions next week, each state will be different conditions here in Vic we will probably lag behind the others as we've had a little spike we were down to single figure new cases (no deaths recently), but a local meat works of about 70 employees have all tested positive over about a week so were back into the teens for daily new cases.

It just goes to show how easy it is to transmit the virus! and for a second round to start. so we must all be diligent and avoid un-necessary contacts.

Our small local Trumpy club about 8 of us incl wives contact via Zoom every fortnight, last meeting was for 2 hours, we have our expresso's, chock biscuits and cake just to get the atmosphere.

Peter T

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On 09/05/2020 at 18:21, Pete Lewis said:

you know that when we are released it will pour with rain for a month 


True to form we've just had the coldest recorded temperature for May since 1982: - 6.1 degrees.

Bl**dy frost has killed a lot of the new growth on plants. It's worse than the Sahara, sweltering during the day and freezing at night.

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  • 1 year later...
2 hours ago, Anglefire said:

Like a fecking oven here today. 😂

But meant I was out in the spitfire and a 40ish mile round trip. 

I'm a wimp, I was out in the Mondeo with the air-con on.

Great gardening weather tho, all my grass is now cut so I've got time for the garage all the rest of the week. It's to be poor weather later in the week and at the first spit of rain the grass will be two feet higher in seconds... :(

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Great weather here too. Did some jobs in the house and garden this morning and decided to bring forward some shopping planned for later in the week to this afternoon so used the 13/60. Rain and storms expected for he next 2 days hence decision to get out today

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