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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. It came home to me how hypocritical they are when the late David Bellamy. Flew to Australia just to pick up an award for "environmental" work. Then we have the "other" David (Attenborough). Taking a large crew to film in exotic locations in order to tell us how bad we are?. The most recent hypocrisy?. Grumpy Greta. Sailed to New York in a state of the art Yatch, which cost £????? to build. In order to get it back to Blighty they then FLEW a crew out to America. Dohhhh!. Pete
  2. That`s what they all say!😀 Pete
  3. Perhaps, somewhat sadly really. I reckon it is. I am so sick of being preached at by wet behind the ears Children, that I have ruined their Planet. So fed up in fact that I have decided I will plough my own furrow. I belong to the original recycling generation. The one that "repaired" things, and still do, not left them broken in the streets. The ones who had Paper bags, who`s bread and other comsumables did not come in 4 layers of plastic because "it looks nice" on the shelf. It`s part of the reason why at an advanced age I am restoring (very slowly I admit) a 50 year old car. The "modern generation" of critics are the one`s who left behind a mountain of rubbish to be cleared up at great expense to the taxpayers after a "demonstration" in support of a cleaner greeener planet (how`s that for Hypocrisy?). The same ones who daily drop litter everywhere, and then think they are "better" because they spent 1/2 a day picking rubbish off a beach?. They forget WHO, gave them the technology they take for granted?. Who designed the Labour saving devices they use daily. They do not have to walk several miles to school, they get bused, OR parent takes them, in massive SUV`s (how good is that for the environment), we had a bicycle (if we where that lucky). It`s about time all the "preachers" started practising what they preach. Go and protest, In Bejing, Moscow, Delhi, and all the other places. Pete
  4. And a good Habitat for beneficial bacteria and small but essential creatures in the lower food chain. Our resident Blackbird goes hunting there regularly. As Mulch they rot down and provide nutrients for SWMBO`s Various plantings. Pete
  5. Yep, probably correct, you could try a good clean. But not holding breath on that one. I`ve still got a Parraffin stove!. used to use it in the greenhouse, Don`t know if it works though. Pete
  6. When the greenies, have had their way and the Gas disapears along with the Oil. and the "power companies" cannot supply enough "green power" to service the country. When everyone else is on rolling blackouts. There will be a lot of people wishing they had a woodburner. And pollution is NOT just industry in countries across the world. The South Americans are burning virgin forest the size of Wales daily. By comparison my contribution is miniscule!. Rant Over Pete
  7. They are when the trunk is almost 10" dia!!, and the fuel is Free, but yes they produce more ash and if not burned at a high enough temperature more flue deposits. Hard woods burn cleaner.
  8. I would concur. Assuming that photo was taken at "rest" the operating arm is already past 90deg to the optimum line of movement, so IMHO the effort will be a diminising factor (vectors again) and increase the direct force needed to operate the clutch. To some extent it is the same with (hand) brakes. They should always be set with an eye to having them hard on with the angle between cable and link as near to 90deg as possible?. Pete
  9. The only use for Conifer IMV. unless you live in some remote frozen Tundra and are desperate for a windbreak. Is as fast growing timber who`s main purpose is as substitute to stop or slow the cutting and removal of other varieties?. They do burn well in the wood burner though even if a bit too fast. Pete
  10. Heated rear screen. (Mk 2 and GT6 Plus) Haynes Manual page 186/7. Pete
  11. Well, well ,well. Thats what fastens the Handbrake. It looked so like a Pin in the Manual. That`s what I made and fitted. Pete.
  12. So what is different in reverse?. The only thing I can think of is that the rear axle alignment is moving. Going forward the thrust would vectored in compression onto the Rear outrigger. So going astern, the strains would then be tensile. One would assume that with all the fasteners tight and bushes in good order nothing would/should change more than a few mm?. The tendancy to "squat" when torque is applied to the rear going forward, would be reversed going astern. The rear spring fastening is not "slack" is it? or even a cracked leaf?. Pete
  13. Oh, yes. could give you some clues, and you can check the fastenings etc. so not wasted time. Pete
  14. You might find that without the loading on the wheels and suspension, that the issue would not replicate?. I recently bought a Peugeot 107, the semi auto, It has a tendancy to "wind up" on take off if you are too heavy on the throttle. Replacing the Engine mounts had (almost) cured that. But on the Axle stands it would not replicate?. Pete
  15. There is a really good looking blue, in a metallic, on BMW (spit!!) which is parked so regularly in our road that I suspect she works in the Doctors or Pharmacy opposite. I`d love to know what it is as I fancy putting it (or similar) on the 13/60, if and when I get that far. A few shades lighter than the "official" Triumph Mid blue colour, but not far enough to stand out as "wrong". (Might be Le Mans Blue?) I`ve been coating the interior as I finished working on each section, from a 20? year old Gallon (4.54609 Litre?😁) tin of blue hamerite type industrial paint.(hence the hand painted look in photo`s) So it won`t look entirely "out". Pete
  16. Quite a few vehicles will airlock the heater matrix after a full drain down, Often the routing of the hose(s) and location of matrix, is the root of the issue, I recollect one car A Ford?, used to airlock for a pastime, got over it by disconecting an heater hose and conecting it to the tap!. (hose-pipe), then reconecting, messy but it worked, assuming the heater matrix is clear, might be worth a try?. Pete
  17. Ahhhh!! No steering Wheel?. Oh No Sweden went LHD in `67. Phew, forgot that. Back then I was Trading to Gydansk, via the "Kaisers Ditch". As well as Gothenburg. Surprised though that the cars ARE LHD. bearing in mind relative ages?. P.S. My dog does that "pose", but not on a desk! usually in front of the woodburner!. Pete
  18. That was largely due to "policy" in the 50`s onward, where it was felt more productive to have huge fields that could be worked by bigger machines (and less "Men") in the name of "efficiency". In recent times, much hedgerow is actually being replanted, I understand a drought some years led to soil errosion and frightened quite a few, with visions of the US "Dust Bowls". Certainly in East Yorkshire, we are seeing much inproved sustainable planting. Many People plant Leylandii. IMV a god awful hedging needing permanent "maintenance". My neighbour had hers ripped out and now has a classic Box hedging which is maturing nicely
  19. The Only Reference to differing Pressure Caps, (Haynes) "Early models 7psi, Later Models 13psi". No reasoning given for the change nor any actual "cut off" date or commision numbers? Water Quality may also be a factor. Hard water will precipitate calcium above a certain temperature, (40C rings a bell?) and that is not affected by (most) water Treatments/Glycol`s. Deposits act as Thermal insulators, and restrict flow. On big Marine Diesels we carried out water quality testing almost Daily. Pete
  20. Pete. That`s "lost" on anyone who`s never been on a Caravan Rally. (or to Glastonbury). Pete
  21. As far as I am aware, you can replace like with like, or could do, or a different species subject to "planning" aproval?. I was allowed to remove "Ancient Hedgrow" (1998), to improve visibility, entering a (then) major trunk road (now bye-passed). BUT I had to use "original" Blackthorn hedging. Pete
  22. The ones on my Herald are not shaped. But from (very old) memory of fitting similar back when. I think the difference was to give some "choice". and the angle can be reversed to suit the car. Pete
  23. ?????????. Or maybe I`m just Paranoid?. Pete
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