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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. I dont know?. Southern softies can`t hack it?. Still what do you expect from where they "invented" Watneys Red Barrel?🤣 Pete
  2. "Goldilocks" pan scrubbers, make good Filters, You just need a suitable container. Take it out at Oil change time and wash in degreaser or petrol. (just dont re-fit until it has evaporated, or you get some "interesting" results). Pete
  3. You may wish to consider "Shouldered Studs"?. IF you know someone with a lathe, they will knock you 3 up. Mates usually only want the odd pint in payment?. Pete
  4. Possibly none beyond distibuting any exhusted crap over the surrounding area. Before the introduction of such things the majority of engines merely had a "breather cap" fitting on the oil filler. It was usually filled with wire gauze, and intended to be washed in Petrol at service time. Pete
  5. Not just Fish and Chips. But landed this morning Cod, AKA "whale on a plate", Hand Cut chips, Proper Mushy Peas. Acompanied by a Pint of Theakstons, Hand Pulled, "Black Sheep". Friday Lunch taken care of then?. Happy Bunny, first time since February 2020. And NEVER cook real (Yorkshire) Black Pudding, best tasted raw. Pete
  6. There appears to not be any E Yorks "meets" any more?. North Yorks area, aparently have used a Pub at Riccal (Selby Way) in the past which I am informed is a victim of the lockdown and up for sale?. Waiting to find out if the M&EYCC are reintroducing their "night" in August as suggested. Pete
  7. Is that contributing to "global warming"?. Better not let Grumbling Greta find out!🤣
  8. Early Car`s too, would have been positive Earth?, would they not?. IF they had been changed to Alternator, and Neg Earth, the perhaps "forgotton" dizzy would now be wrongly wired?. Pete
  9. Flea bay has Helicoil kits £9, upwards Pete
  10. East Riding Council, are at the same thing, perfectly good roads with a 60 national limit, now down to 50, and in some cases 40. When it first happened I had a car that recorded 50mpg at 60mph in 6th gear. (auto gearbox). To stay at 50 it would not change up to 6th, and no way of "forcing" it, the EMC just would not change up. What this meant in real terms was the mpg was lower by a good 5mpg running in 5th. Effectively the reduced limit was costing us money, and of course more pollution too. If some of them had brains they`d be dangerous.
  11. Hardwood former, Split the corners, and slowly drift the steel over the former?. when you have the shape, reverse bend the flange`s and fit corner pieces or cut and weld a full flange.?. Mine where in not bad condition, only surface rust so no issue. But had they not been I would have been tempted by a variation of Pete`s Idea and made up block`s in Alloy, to bolt right through the floor. Something I`ve already done in moving the seat belt mounting to accomodate Auto belts. Pete
  12. A new career as a Fire Eater Beckons?.😆 Pete
  13. This explanation came off an American Website:- First, when you close the throttle, you are also closing the throttle plate. This reduces the air and fuel flowing into the motor, and increases the vacuum (lowers the pressure). This results in less air and fuel in the cylinder during the power stroke, which in turn results in a lower pressure in the combustion chamber. The A/F mix burns faster in proportion to the pressure applied? Well, when we reduce pressure this way, the mix burns slower. This results in two things happening. 1. The lower burning fuel generates less heat, and the cooling effect of the non-burning fuel tends to “quench” the flame front, or slow it down even further. Because the mix is burning much slower, the exhaust valve can open before all the fuel is consumed, and the unburnt fuel is ejected into the exhaust. 2. The engine designers, in order to promote smoother idling and better combustion, retard the spark when the throttle is shut, and this results in the mix being lit later. So, now we end up with unburnt fuel in the exhaust, and burning fuel being ejected into the exhaust, and bang! Backfire. Pete
  14. Granted it`s a loooooong time ago, (1980`s) But I thought the TRIM rivet/connectors came as a "pop" rivet. ( I may even have a couple somewhere?) Never fitted Hood fasteners, but seem to remember the ones on the 13/60 being screwed on?, (its over 3+ years since I took them off), not riveted?. Got me wondering now?. Pete
  15. Getting mine (13/60) to align after a full body off and the replacement of an acre or two of steel is an ongoing nightmare. Passenger side now lines up right through and is (almost) flush with the door bottom. Driver side has big gaps and will need a lot of modification I suspect. I have Let go the rear tub to chassis bolts and that has reduced the gap a bit, now I have to measure and make "C" washers to use as packers!. Found some Alloy stock, so I will turn some up and part off the required thicknesses. IF I offer up the cill to the outside of the bodywork it is close but try putting it on from behind and the gaps quite major. Not worked out yet why. I think I might finish up having to re-work the cill. Pete
  16. Should we be going there?. The mind boggles!.
  17. Still trying to work out why you might want a stage in your bathroom?. Or is it a Gin Still?. Nice bit of copper, would weigh in for a few bob. Pete
  18. Access to the rear seats works on the MX seats by flipping the backs forward, The runners go about 1" further back than the O/E seats. Not that the dog, (about the only potential occupant of the back seat) will care too much. Pete
  19. Apologies for the clarity of Pic;. But XGH, was purchased for my wife`s use circa 1982. She used it as her commuter" for some 3 years until her hip operation, and the subsequent loss of muscle strength, made using the clutch a non event. Bought In Camberley, originally in white, When we moved with my job we had an empty garage for 6 weeks, during which time I rebuilt the brake system, repaired a couple of outriggers and patched a hole on the boot, and did a full strip-out respray in Red. I used it as my second car, and both my sons drove it on occasion until the early 90`s, when It was sold on to a Young RAF lad who came to Yeovil from RAF Finningly to collect. Basically Original except for having the (leaky) SU`s it came with, swapped for a pair of reconditioned Strombergs. Currently been on Sorn according to DVLA since around 2012. Wife, used to like the fact that she could regularly win the traffic light grand prix. on her way to work at Marconi.
  20. PeteH

    Offset pedals

    I remember when the idea of seat belts was first "floated", there was a quite "heated" debate over whether it was more "desirable" to use belts in a convertible, with the thought of being thrown clear, or risk being trapped and crushed by the car if it turned over?, any idea of having a roll bar was rejected on grounds that it spoil`t the profile. Different times back when, we still rode Motorcycles without Crash Helmets. When "compulsory" helmet wearing came in, one local guy tried wearing a turban on the ground Sikhs where exempt!. Pete
  21. PeteH

    Offset pedals

    Yes, Both pedal boxes are off at the moment, the pivot pins where seized to the point where they where bearing on the Frame. I will trial fit them and see if the Pedals do need a "tweek" before I put them back. The floors are new, so moving the accelerator a smidgen if necessary will not be such a big deal. Pete
  22. PeteH

    Triumph Stag

    Assuming, the Underneath is sound?. The Crusty Wheel arches are do-able. And a (part?) respray. I would give the Bonnet "ding" to one of the dent removal firms? in the first instance. Price will depend on the number of punters who turn up OR are prepared to bid online, Pray for rain?. Before CV-3 and lock-downs I used to go up there maybe a couple of time`s a year. There is a Caravan Site behind a Pub about 5 miles up the road, near Dalby Forest, of stage rallying fame. Pete
  23. I`ve committed to the MX seats, Well they came cheap at £50 the pair. Had them set up and the Belts work, all without fouling the hood frames. Trial fitted they have sufficient clearance, fore/aft/headroom (at least with no sound deadening and carpeting). and the driving position looks reasonable with the smaller steering wheel allowed by the fitting of PAS. Pete
  24. PeteH

    Offset pedals

    Neither did I on the Vitesse, which was "er indoors" commuter in the 80`s. I driven more different marques and cars right up to HGV`s. LHD and RHD over the years. Manual, auto; and Tracked!. (missed out on the walking drag-line😭) but have driven a Tank!. And a 6 wheel airfield fire truck. 50MPH over a ploughed field!. Driving in Rigger boots can be "interesting". It is, I suppose, something you acclimatize to after a while, and part of the driving experience. Back in the 70`s we used to set up Mk1 Escourt`s for club rallying deliberately to be able to "Heel and Toe" On stages. Pete
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