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Everything posted by thescrapman

  1. HS2 is more about capacity, but everyone is focussing on the speed bit as just as easy to build a high speed line than build a normal one then wish you had built the high speed one to start with, and have to find lots more money
  2. A number of people have moved "Roundtail" hinges in board, so must be possible on "Squaretails" as well.
  3. One tip, put a sheet on ground under door as you try to push pins out. they have a special coating that makes them totally invisible if they drop on the ground
  4. Then brown stuff is the residue after petrol has evaporated, so you have a very slow weep somewhere, overtime it builds up.
  5. A red wire will be sidelights of some description.
  6. Hub cap wheels look better on darker coloured cars, you need the oval hole ones on a light coloured car or it is too "plain"
  7. Well that's that problem solved, new wing and you can be sure the join I say clean
  8. I wonder if the move to paper elements was pressure from the dealers to make it easier for them to recycle all their waste as the elements will fully incinerate
  9. There is a part in the kit that you need to possibly discard and re-use the original. is a metal cup that gets re-made with a sharp edge that then cuts and grinds away the new plastic ball.
  10. It may well do, just disconnect the gearbox and stand gearbox up and the oil will drain from the OD into the gearbox as they are interconnected . will also give you a better angle for attacking the drain plug
  11. You only need a nut and bolt, put a washer on the back and a good squirt of wax when all finished
  12. Are you sure it is not just pinkng very badly as it tries to run on ,the old pertrol in the tank?
  13. Surely the solution to the problem is to have a large diesel or petrol generator at home to charge your electric car, the ban only covers ICE fitted to vehicles after all.
  14. What do you mean?? Boris assures me he reads the rants of old blokes on classic car forums and uses the highly intelligent and coherently put arguements to help formulate national policy. I am really disappointed now.
  15. Be very careful when buying a TR head not to pay TR tax, they didn't just fit them to TR engines.
  16. I am guessing the last picture was not taken the day before you started stripping it.
  17. Don't forget you need a normal type rack mount to keep the nylon plug in place. A solid rack mount will not work.
  18. The E means it is a European certification I beleive, but enough of politics, check the door glasses, they are likely to be original.
  19. If it was a CKD car would it have Locally sourced glass?
  20. A BMIHT certificate may indicate who it was exported to. I think Ex-works means it is direct from factory rather than from a dealer, which a personal export would be.
  21. You don't need to disconnect slave, just unbolt it and it will lift away with the tub. no need to bleed either when refitted later
  22. I am fairly sure that is not the original radiator, as it would probably not have been that wide. A full width replacement fairly recently I reckon. And the mountings look wrong as well. Can't think what the spacers are for unless the brackets are missing from the chassis.
  23. I think that amount of damage is par for the course in a single rail gearbox. i think it is something To do with the mechanism allowing you to engage reverse before the laygear or idler has stopped spinning. Does not seem to happen to the 3-rail as badly.
  24. I reckon the OD is staying engaged as well. Can you hear it (rather than just the relay) engaging and more importantly disengaging as you move the lever?
  25. I would have thought an older technology Diesel engine would run fine on it, as is, or just add a gallon at a time into a tank full of normal diesel. The petrol will be very dilute
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