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Everything posted by thescrapman

  1. Make sure you go via the link in the email advertising the sale, it stores a cookie or something that adds the relevan t discount, took me ages to work out why I kept getting expensive totals in the last sale,
  2. Hopefully the supplier has updated their fitment info to say 13 steels will not fit over the calipers.
  3. At least one of the ROP suppliers must have patterns for Herald Coupe as there are a couple about. You could try Canley Classics for info, Dave there has an original rallied Coupe. Though it Maynard date from before the ages of cages. As a cage has to be made to approved designs as laid out in the Blue Book I am surprised the one you have contacted are asking for layout details, John Davies will no doubt be along soon, he has a cage in his Vitesse, and will I am sure let you know where it was made. Colin
  4. Not the mini clubman I had, they were like 1500 Spitfire type
  5. Nooo, Chestnut is nice, well compared to New Tan it is.
  6. You could blow the pipe out and then syringe some nice clean oil into the pipe at oil change time, you could then use it to monitor the oils condition as it will blacken up over time as oil is pumped up the pipe and back out again when the engine is turned off,
  7. At least with a Valencia Herald you get a Tan interior, with a Mk2 2000 you get New Tan. Who ever thought Ginger was a nice colour for an interior.
  8. The US ones do not have the metering unit in the way, so perhaps using rear port allows a shorter pipe?
  9. There is a Volvo stud that is the same but is usually cheaper
  10. It ought to only pink under load, if you can hear it pinking when cruising then something very wrong, or it isn't pinking. I have heard an engine pinking when cruising, it was in its death throws and seized shortly after in spectacular fashion.
  11. I have found the Cibie ones from Euro Car Parts when in their sales to be good value, and are excellent headlights.
  12. That looks as good as cars I have seen for a lot more money. I wouldn't be waiting until the weekend.........
  13. There are different springs for long and short shaft, but the limited market for short shaft ones means most traders don't bother selling them, just having a one size fits all longneck shaft version
  14. I really fancy the Trident. A real WCR car for not much money. Has a TR6 chassis as well I think.
  15. Use Perspex, never goes rotten.easily drilled for clip holes etc.
  16. To give you a clue about what these cars can hide, I paid £150 for a mk2 Spitfire that had cost the previous owner £5000 3 years earlier. It was a temple to bodgery. Floor pans were made out of road signs cut to size and stuck down with silicon sealant. Engine (Mk4) was utterly shagged, knocking noise would have been defeaning if it hadn't had a very noisy exhaust system. Pissed oil of every possible place. You could hear the spokes in the Wire wheels "pinging" as you turned corners. I managed to get an MOT on it and shortly after it ripped the rear trailing arms out of the box section. Very exciting handling but it got me home. Did have a mint chassis under it mind, which is now under a Mk1 GT6. Looked cracking in the photos she showed me from when they bought it.
  17. Does it just need idle tweaking up a fraction? 2 seconds with a screwdriver. Sounds like mixture may also now be no time quit even right. Easy to adjust with correct tool.
  18. The reason for the stupidly high prices on things like brake discs is the way the sellers manage costs. it costs less to keep a listing running on EBay continuously if it is just a Buy it Now than cancel and re-list.. if the seller does not have the item in stock he changes the price to a stupid figure, and puts it back to a sensible price when it is available. The high price covers effort to buy elsewhere and ship onward if someone does actually buy it. a look at the listing changes shows what seller is doing.
  19. The FR stamp is a Factory Recon I think
  20. I stuff a pile of old curtains under the seat, more curtains the firmer the seat.
  21. What you have is the "ultimate" gearbox for a GT6 as it has the bigger mainshaft and possibly the better angles on the gears. get yours repaired is a better bet.
  22. Paul, come ove and see us at the next Suffolk meet, the AO was doing it :-) As was another regular member and one was marshalling at the start. it is only 20 mins from you.......
  23. Phoenix system, collector gives it away. supplied by many traders now.
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