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Everything posted by daverclasper

  1. Thanks John. I thought I'd would go to the bottom of the class for that one Just one thing. Haynes book showing valve to rocker at 10 thou for Vitesse?. Cheers, Dave
  2. Mines like Pete's and looking a google images it looks most common. Did wonder if at risk of stone damage myself. though been ok in 10,000 miles?. I suppose a black mesh would be less noticeable, to keep the look if that's what you want. Dave
  3. Thanks a lot. Have just bought 18 second hand rockers for a fiver with a view to dressing some of the better ones (I seem to remember your not keen on that John!). Then hopefully I won't be persisting for ever. Will certainly bear the above devices in mind (I don't suppose counting amount of adjustment turns for 10 thou", then doing this from closed gap would work, guess not as folk would do it). Cheers, Dave
  4. Hi. On a MG site it said that an engine had valve clearance specified at 15 tho" cold. A later specification was 13 tho" hot for the same engine. So I assume heat expansion of valve train at the rocker/valve is about 2 tho". I'm wondering if I can relate this to my Triumph. as I have rocker pad indents on some rockers and can't get a good reading with feelers. I have been setting a good rocker with feelers and relating the feel of this by hand to adjust the other rockers (someone on club Triumph recommended this technique). My main concern with this, is I could be setting them a bit tight and valves could burn (I guess secondery to that the valve would be opening a bit earlier/closing later. So, would the MG info imply that that as long as there at least a 2 tho+ gap, then the valves will be closing fully on an MG and therefore maybe something similar on a Triumph?. Or maybe I'm way off, with this theory?. Any help great please. Thanks Dave
  5. Hi. A bloke locally has a pair for sale cheap, complete with hubs and wishbones. I'm tempted to buy them as spares. The main concern is the bearing surface of the shafts (if they have been stored in damp shed etc). Can an idea of condition be gained by just turning the hubs to see if they are smooth. (I haven't got the correct Puller). Any info great please. Cheers, Dave
  6. Hi. Iv'e pondered isolated scratches in bores and thought it must only make a very small % of lost compression?. What is the the reality?. Cheers, Dave
  7. Thanks Pete. I did use the gutter sealant, though found it didn't bond to the glass after a bit (It was only £1.00 a tube, so maybe why?). Have used it within areas of paint etc and has been good for that. Cheers, Dave
  8. Thanks Martin. Sounds like it could well work on mine. Dave
  9. Hi I recently bought some correct door seals for Vitesse from Bill Davies (Rarebits 4 Classics). He may well know if these are the same for your spit. I could only get hold of him on face book, as he is only doing limited trading, I think. Cheers, Dave
  10. Hi. Has anyone used this (or an alternative "seek and seal" type product) and if so, did it work. It's for rear window seal on Vitesse, which is a bit tired. Also, has anyone got a good offside one for sale (bit pricey new and maybe not good quality?.) Thanks, Dave
  11. That hole in bell housing sounds a good idea Pete. I wish those design yobs at the factory had thought of it!. A question or two please. Is the engine side of pulley locked to the crank, if so, therefore timing won't alter?, (if not would timing advance or retard). If only the outer ring moves/slips, then would the marks be showing advance, or retard? . Cheers, Dave
  12. Clive mentioned 11RC, above as shorter filters. Don't know what that reference is, though would like to know myself of shorter filters. Dave
  13. Thanks Pete. Will have a look at when got a bit of time to take the door card off. I guess that movement must have been there for some time and I hadn't noticed it. Dave
  14. Hi. Was messing with the alignment of the plate, that contains the latch bit that comes out of rear of door (3 pozi screws on mine that I loosened a bit). Seemed to have hardly any adjustment anyhow. Now there is quite a lot of free movement when pressing door release button, before the door release bit/latch moves, though door will still open. Any tips before I arse about taking card off and friggin about inside the door. Thanks, Dave
  15. Just looked underneath Vit. Can't see that exhaust front fixed clamp and can't remember it when taking exhaust off . Guess I should make something up. Any reason why not, from folk with more understanding on component stress please?. Thanks, Dave
  16. Hi. Is there a diagram as good as that for Vitesse, please?. Can't find any online. Thanks, Dave
  17. Thanks. I guess hairline cracks, could fill in with carbon, though maybe the cracks get more severe over time?. Dave
  18. Hi Paul. What has caused the cracking, is this a common thing please?. Thanks, Dave
  19. Would Chic Doig/Canley have better ones,as they work on these cars?. Mick Dolphin NOS?. Gasket cement if no joy?. Dave
  20. Thanks everyone. few questions please. I have a vacuum gauge. Can I rig it to the manifold stub (will have to use a bit of hose and jubilee clips, this ok?) , where the PCV valve hose goes on, then remove the the PCV from the rocker cover stub, so the crancase can breathe?. Does the vacuum capsule have to be disconnected AND blanked off?. Pete. those vacuum figures are just for idle?. Thanks, Dave
  21. These are basic CD 150's on Vit Mk1 2Litre. A few questions please. Can oil get lost in normal running and if so how often and how?. Can the pistons and/ or bore in the carb be worn causing oil lost over the top therefore also limited damping. If dash pots are low can this cause a bit of pinking, due to running weak?. Or ambient temp (use car all year). Asking, because every now and then (few weeks), engine develops a little bit of pinking. Have been retarding timing slightly on the vernier, about 10 clicks when this happens. Wondered if crank pulley was slipping a bit, though looked at timing recently statically (not got gun), and was only 3.5 degrees BTDC!, which seems a bit retarded. Using tesco 99 oct. I know it's an old car and runs well, so happy anyway, but interested. Any advice great please. Cheers Dave
  22. Hi. I am I correct in thinking that moving the outer column down a tad, should stop the interference (even if I have to loosen one or both of the upper column clamps) please. Cheers, Dave
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