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Chris A

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Everything posted by Chris A

  1. Skoda Yeti, because I like the name, I have a note in the handbook on how to do it & have done it in the past. Just haven't got round to it yet 🤫
  2. My modern is now telling me it wants a service! The last one was April last year and only 5K kilometres done. It determines the service interval depending on the type of use. I have either been thrashing it or not doing long distances. The second. all it has done since April is a trip to Brittany and local runs, 10 to 15kms each way plus 3 round trips to Bagnoles de L'Orne (168 kms each time). Do I service it or tell the computer to 'go away'? Second option for the moment I think.
  3. You know nuffink, Hemingway & Joyce are a firm of accountants 🙄
  4. I know my modern has them, under the bonnet, as I've seen them when I, occasionally, top up the washer liquid.
  5. If it's that bad to change a modern battery when the one in mine needs doing I think I'll sell the car 😁
  6. For me that works as there is also the black panel.
  7. When we bought the house here in France we needed to open a bank account so I went to 'my' bank : It's nice to have your own bank 😁, other than they are always asking for money.
  8. Took mine out for a leisurely 20 odd mile run around the local area to blow the cobwebs away. Roof down on car, flying jacket collar up for me. Cool weather but oh so nice, last outing this month I think 😉
  9. Look on the bright side, she wasn't out to buy loads of bulky stuff . .
  10. Just the bulbs, straight swap. While the kettle was boiling for our afternoon cuppa, I'm drinks monitor here, I popped out and compared the modern and Triumph indicators. The Triumph's are slightly yellower but just as visible as the Yeti. So I would agree with other comments, first make sure you are getting full power to the bulbs before getting the wallet out.
  11. I suppose a good way to determine if they have lost brightness would be to compare then to a modern that still uses bulbs not LEDs? The ones on my 13/60 seem ok by, from memory of the distant past, the standards of the late 60s early 70s. I think I'll do a comparison at some point soon. Too late today, been out for a drive in the sun now need to get on with boring stuff. I have fitted LED stop/brake lights though and they did improve things.
  12. I suppose you could also have had a dog tail with a gate in a crate . . . Lunchtime!
  13. Well timed this thread. I have just bought new dizzy cover and (red) rotor arm - not yet put into the car to test them one at a time to give me known working spares - and was thinking of getting a set of HT cables as well but reading the comments I think I'll not bother.
  14. The current trend of everything being controlled via a touch screen worries me, it's bad enough people using phones while driving let alone now having to use screens to change the heating settings.
  15. That was yesterday at the village bistro, except for the 'light' bit
  16. To close this thread off: I've just got the car back from my man up the road, took longer than expected because he caught the Covid bug and being a 1 man business (most of the time) he was closed so the car was 'quarantined'. Anyway he did fix it without having to dismantle anything. He made a template out of some thing mainly made up of lignin, (C31H34O11), to my non professional eyes it looked very much like a piece of old cardboard box 😁. He gave this to a mate, together with a piece of solid looking piece of shiny metal, who has a metal bending machine, the patch is 'U' shaped with a flange that is also welded to the side rail, for good measure. The repair is no longer shiny but a nice black colour to match the rest of the chassis. While he had the car and as it would be up in the air I gave him some EP 80/90 and asked him to replace the oil in the gearbox & diff. They weren't due to be done but why waste the opportunity. There was a young chap waiting with his VW Sirocco, so I did warn him that it does take Fabian ( the man) a long time to work on cars by pointing out that mine went in new for its first service and was just coming out 😁. It took him a couple of seconds to get the 'humeur Britannique'. Thanks to all for your help Right, what next?
  17. First point to consider is do you want a supply that is live all the time or only when the ignition is on? I installed a 12v 'cigar lighter' socket via a dedicated cable from the battery,of course, so I had a permanent live power source.
  18. I'll just pop round with mine for you to 'store' for a while then? I can even leave a list of jobs to be done with it 😁 Mind you it looks as if you have enough to keep you busy for a few weeks already.
  19. I've recently replaced the one in my 13/60 and went for something with more umph! A 540Ah. The size is 242x174x190 mm. Pretty much the biggest physical size that can be fitted on the tray. To fit it I have extended the retaining arms at the sides by putting an 'S' hook on the bars and through the mounting. Remember to bear in mind that most of the batteries offered will need to be fitted 'the wrong way round', I assume your Herald one mounts the same as a 13/60, so the +ve & -ve terminals are correctly positioned for the cables. As for make, take your pick, look what is on offer, what length of guarantee they offer. Should be 540A not Ah . . .Don't know my amps from my elbow . . .
  20. That makes it clearer, plus of course they are all white so the differences are obvious . .
  21. Have I missed an episode somewhere? Is the white vitesse bonnet actually on your 13/60?
  22. Start logically and follow the ingintion system from start to spark one item at a time
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