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Everything posted by mishmosh

  1. mishmosh


    So this weekend we are off to North wales in my super reliable Herald. Last week the accelerator was a bit sticky . Checked it and noticed the cable was frayed . Only lasted 25 yrs!! So decided to take the opportunity to also swap the pedal as I had a good old one. Gulp ! The old was only just hanging on at the pivot . So it just shows, how lucky I was that the cable frayed, otherwise I could have been up a mountain with a jammed cable, and a non existant pedal pivot. Hand throttle anyone?
  2. mishmosh

    fouled plug

    so my wonderfully reliable, mkIV engined herald, has an little quirk. If I work on it on tickover ( eg, when its Moted ) The no 3 plug (counting from front) fouls up. I then have to remove it and clean all the thick black crud ,off. All others are spot on. Its running an standard head ( and has been for twenty two yrs, no additives used ) so guess that may be the problem. I do around 1500 miles a yr. Thoughts ? Not lifted the head so havent checked rings.
  3. they do them all, just dont like tinterweb. Ring them , they are great guys.
  4. yup avoid diff. Tempting but can damage the mounts. Ditto avoid the sump ! ( seen it !!!!!)
  5. TBH this probably isnt the best place to sell it. The TR club will be a better place I am sure.
  6. Thanks Mike. Good to have you still contributing to the legal details. What puzzles me is the herald with bond wheels is now almost ok. But vice versa bond hasn't corrected much !
  7. I put a 1500 and od in the Bond. The gaiter is an arse! However. I needed to enlarge the hole in tunnel and over plate. Then used an mgb gaiter sandwiched between the plate and tunnel. Not ideal tbh. A custom made would be the answer
  8. keep it away from aluminium however as it will wreck it.
  9. Thanks. Studied minty lamb. That's why I am puzzled ! Seems speedo is correct. Going to look at the bond one next !
  10. Time to spare so Having a play. With my 1200 herald. Sat back tells me that the speedo is way out. Taken the wheels off the Bond Which have oversize tyres165 /80/13 raising the gearing. Previously ithe herald was at least 12 percent out. On 145/80/13 Now it's better but still over reads. In the bond it under reads 9 percent.the bond with 145/ 80 13 is almost spot on. Speedo is not original. Diff and gearbox is standard. Speedo code is 1248 is this the right speedo ?
  11. Have solids on both my cars. No probs.
  12. Very unlikely to be diff. I would start by getting the prop balanced.
  13. I paid 100 to have mine cut down. Buy a new one !
  14. The fuel will work fine in an old tractor.
  15. Thanks Clive. Rear tracking is out. It crabs. Hoping to take to jigsaw Might be my tyres too as they are oversize. So popping my herald wheels on too. Much better with weight in back also.
  16. Up on axle stands. Weight off tyres. Wedge the clutch pedal down. Minimum fuel as it goes off. Dehumidifier if poss. Wax the paint. Vaseline is good too on chrome. Leave hood up and keep birds and mice out. Set mouse traps. Change for fresh oil.
  17. Thanks. Of great interest. Seems heavier than expected. Iirc my bond gt4 is under 800 kg. with its 1500 and j type. however it handles terribly and needs setting up!
  18. We had similar on a 52 clio 1200. Its likely to be a sensor. Remove every plug. Wd40 and try again. Mostly now sorted.
  19. Best compromise for me so far on my 1500 Bond. Standard 411 diff. Jtype box. Oversize tyres raising gearing about 10 pc they do rarely brush on the front though.
  20. Almost impossible to access. Go with Petes advice.
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