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Garaged parts dilemma

Steve P

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I have been pondering my lockup for a year now, with limited time, no light or power and 2 break ins. Is it time to clear out. Also family issues have left me pretty low in mood which doesn`t help. This also contributed to lack of use of the cars as mentioned in another thread.

I have the original MK 1 Engine for my Vitesse (now 2.5,owned since 1985). The original GE engine for my Herald (now 1500) which came to me with no head on after a 30 year layup which see it seized solid.

I have a very early MK 2 PI engine which I went all the way to Devon to pickup years ago for no apparent reason.

That's along with seats, diffs, courier spring, dashboards, 2 x TT rocker covers and god knows what else i have forgotten.

What do people think?. This is not an advert, I'm interested in other peoples experiences.



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It may be an idea to sell off some stuff, I know it is difficult to part with stuff but at somepoint you realise you cannot keep everything.

I speak from current experience. I am stuggling to work in my garage. I look around, think what I can get rid of, and teh result is a small box of stuff. I need to get ruthless, clutter sucks the joy out of owning the cars


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First thing - if there is no alternative to just letting the stuff sit - is to ask: what am I keeping it for? I'm the world's worst culprit when it comes to keeping Triumph parts but recently have decided there's a lot of stuff I bought for rarity value that I'll probably never use, and a lot of old rusty bits that I'll also probably never use. I'll need to sort out the bits that are useful spares, the bits that are rare and worth keeping, and the stuff that's readily available if I ever do need it. I'm just hoping for a local autojumble where I can shift a few things, but like Clive I need to get ruthless and stop hoarding stuff that even I will never use again. Always make sure if you're selling a bit that it's not needed, if you're dumping a part make sure it's available elsewhere or even new, and remember that you'll only ever need it once it's gone.

BTW if things are driving you up the walls, hit the PM button and get it off your chest.

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I have a similar need to declutter my garage, stacked with many Triumph parts that others may need more than I do. My New Year's resolution is to sort out my spares collection and get what I don't need on eBay.

Will I ever really need the 2 litre engine originally fitted to my GT6, now well sorted with a 2.5? And the 3.89 diff, since replaced with a 3.27? And the Stromberg carbs? The list goes on....


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Nigal, Aah what about if you want to return to originality, here in Aus I believe South Aus if you want to run the car as a "classic" on Club Permit vs full Rego (around 1/7th of the cost) the car has to be original right down to the rubber floor mats if that was the original manufacturers fitment! 

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3 minutes ago, Peter Truman said:

Nigal, Aah what about if you want to return to originality, here in Aus I believe South Aus if you want to run the car as a "classic" on Club Permit vs full Rego (around 1/7th of the cost) the car has to be original right down to the rubber floor mats if that was the original manufacturers fitment! 

In the UK we don't have to worry about such stuff. 

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Interesting different states different rules here in Vic we can do safety upgrades Disc Brakes etc, & we can increase power by 20% and still keep it on Club Permit (CH or H Plates), but any major alteration such as chassis mods or over 20% power upgrade requires an Engineer Certification and it goes into a modified class with a "M" registration, Hot Rods are different again having a SR (Street Rod) rego plate. Yes we are a Confussed Nation!

At one time in West Aus you could only drive your other state Club Permitted vehicle to your destination in WA and similarily out of the state, ie no touring around? a BUG++r when there was a Triumph Aus National Rally over there, mind you to get there us easterners had to drive 3500klm to get there then back again a years plus driving, so the take up wasn't great!

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8 hours ago, JohnD said:

So THAT's where all the parts have got to that you just can't get any more!   😃

That is a fair point. I keep stumbling on stuff I have had for years and forgotten about., Vandervell big end bearings, some Glaciers too. Good used but genuine arb links, and stacks of brackets, lower wishbones, some body panels (how did I forget about those?) and some stuff I have even had to buy, only to later discover in teh back of a cupboard. 

Of course, should I mention my big clearout 10 years ago when I moved house. I did try to give away loads of parts that eventually went to the tip. Including about 15 very good herald/vitesse rear light assemblies. But nobody wanted them, even for nowt.

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12 hours ago, Peter Truman said:

Nigal, Aah what about if you want to return to originality, here in Aus I believe South Aus if you want to run the car as a "classic" on Club Permit vs full Rego (around 1/7th of the cost) the car has to be original right down to the rubber floor mats if that was the original manufacturers fitment! 


I used to think I could one day want to return the car to standard spec, but I've come to realise I enjoy it just how it is. I really can't imagine the day when I would switch back to standard spec.

Of course we're fortunate in the UK that there's no legal compulsion to keep a classic totally original.


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A few years ago I lost a couple of lockups to developers, so built another shed in the garden and managed to cram  everything in there. I am probably the worst at holding onto triumph stuff. But it did  give me the opportunity to sort through things and  reminded me what I have.

About twenty years ago I had four lock ups, full of car parts. I was generally peed off, and over a few weeks I dumped loads of parts, 6 engines, several gearboxes, including overdrives, vitesse, gt6 and spit chassis, loads of running gear, interiors etc. Didnt even have the enthusiasm to try and sell anything. Felt good briefly, but then the regrets. I think the old saying 'act in haste repent at leisure' was true in my case.

I am again looking at parts I have held onto for years and also thinking is it time to start clearing the decks, as I am not getting any younger, and my circumstances are changing, but I remember how I felt the first time, so dithering a bit. 

I think if your not being forced to get rid of your prized parts now, I would wait a while until your in a better frame of mind, as you may regret it.


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With respect, the symptoms of 'hoarding' are :

Feel the need to get more things, even if you have a lot already
Have very strong positive feelings whenever you get more things
Feel very upset or anxious at the thought of throwing or giving things away because of your emotional attachment to them
Find it very hard to decide what to keep or get rid of

(Published on the MIND website, the charity that supports all kinds of mental illness, which 1 in 4 people will suffer from sometime in their lives.   See: https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/hoarding/about-hoarding/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAtbqdBhDvARIsAGYnXBM6ICHxL_mZ8T9P7hk8vvY81P3_s8cHM10A45y1FJlsmHrue_WyUhcaAh5wEALw_wcB )

If you have such large collections of spare parts, then I suggest that you don't need them all.     Selling them, either on line or at an autojumble will benefit others and make you a few quid!

  The remarks above indicate that some fulfil all the above.   If you collect other things as well, then please, talk to your GP.   Help is available and will make your life happier.



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16 hours ago, Nigel Clark said:

Will I ever really need the 2 litre engine originally fitted to my GT6, now well sorted with a 2.5? And the 3.89 diff, since replaced with a 3.27? And the Stromberg carbs? The list goes on....

I could have written that sentence, i have exactly the same in my garage.

And Clive...I forgot about the 10 various 6 and 4 pot  Vandervell sets i have in my wardrobe, along with a Les Leston and a Formula wheel, neither wheel has ever been near either of my cars as i think they are too big.



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Sounds like you should all have a stand at Stoneleigh flogging stuff.

I find I have to keep raiding the stash of old scrap as it is better than the new stuff.

Was recovering bits of rear trunnion bush today, as the 40-odd year old bits were much better than the new kit I purchased.

Still not sure I need 20+ engines, and god knows how many 3-synchro Herald boxes. 

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Hi Steve,

I am sorry to hear that things for you aren't going brilliantly for you at the moment.  I understand your dilemma with your parts collection.  There's a lot of good advice in the replies here and I'm not sure there's much I can add but you said you were interested in other people's experiences...  

Like other contributors to your post, I have to confess to having perhaps more than a few parts in storage.  I try not to let the stash build up to a level where I don't readily know what I've got, so periodically I have a clear out, either by doing an autojumble stand, or by online auction.  Participating at an autojumble can be fun.  The online auction can be fun too, that is until you have to package up the parts, where I almost never have the right sized box etc.  In my experience, letting parts go to someone who's going to use them, plus regaining space in the garage, is cathartic and it seems to renew my enthusiasm for what is the actual focus: the car.

Coincidentally, Steve, I have also owned my Vitesse since 1985.  Do come to one of the Surrey Area meetings. Always good to chat.


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