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TSSC Members only areas of the Forum now setup


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Tom and I are in the process of setting up areas where ONLY paid up TSSC Members can access, to give somewhere private where TSSC matters can be discussed without non members seeing what is being discussed, and to give a benefit of TSSC Membership, rather than the current free for all on the Forum.

The old "Member" user group has been renamed "Forum User", and a new user group "TSSC Member" has been created.

We have started moving known paid up TSSC members over to the new user group, and this process will continue for a few weeks - its a manual process, comparing the club membership database with the Forum members database, then adding a bit of intelligence, as most Forum members don't use their real names and haven't filled in their TSSC membership number in their Forum profile.

Once we get enough TSSC members moved across to the new user group, we will create some "TSSC Member" only areas and start restricting some of the things mere "Forum Users" can do so we encourage them to join the TSSC.

In the mean time, if you are a TSSC member, please make sure your membership number is entered in the relevant field in your profile, and PM me with your real name and membership number and I'll get you moved across to the paid up members user group that will give access to the restricted areas - and earn you a nice shiny badge below your Avatar


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im sure it will arrive  there are nearly 5000 members too  work  through if you do the whole membership

but i guess they start with known forum members   and dont forget Poor old Kevin has a job to fit in to his spare tiime 

and forgot to add Tom  in this monumental task Pete


Edited by Pete Lewis
added tom
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On 12/03/2023 at 18:10, KevinR said:

if you are a TSSC member, please make sure your membership number is entered in the relevant field in your profile, and PM me with your real name and membership number and I'll get you moved across to the paid up members user group

Followed all the instructions and it happened within the hour, thank you Kevin.


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We have now finished the first pass through the membership to set forum members up with the TSSC Membership icon, based on email address matching. There are a couple of dozen who have kindly entered their membership number which will be allocated shortly when they've been checked off against the club database.

We hope all the club members enjoy their TSSC badges and that the lack of one doesn't damage use of the forum by others too much.

The intention is primarily to keep discussion of the club's events, products and decisions for the members only, who have every right to take the Club to task on things they see as not quite right, but perhaps not to extend this courtesy to non-members, to avoid unintentional (or intentional) abuse of this. There is also an intention to give our members a distinct benefit on the forum from their continued membership.

It is the club's view that we will continue to keep the technical discussions open to all, regardless of club membership or not

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this is a hats off thankyou to all involved  it opens more expectations and keeps a sensible control over sensitive  opinions on the Club 

all we need now is a workable on line shop its the biggest headache to members 

Tom and Julian  have  a good headache with that job 


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As Tom has already posted, he has now set the profile status of all Forum members who have an email address that matches that used for their TSSC Membership.

There are now several sections of the Forum that have been locked down so that only TSSC members can access them.

If you are a TSSC member, and have not had your profile status updated to "TSSC Member", please email please email info@tssc.org.uk with your membership number and your forum username and we will get you profile updated to give you TSSC Member access.


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  • KevinR changed the title to TSSC Members only areas of the Forum now setup

Just to update that all forum users who were kind enough to put in their membership number that are still members (there were a handful who werent') have now been updated too

Everyone who is a member that we can find easily has been updated on the forum now

Sadly not everyone who is a member will have been found; the beauty of a forum nickname is that only close friends know who you really are, but the downside is that I haven't been able to track everyone down, sorry. If that includes you, please email your username and membership number, if you know it, to info@tssc.org.uk and it will get updated

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Are these recent changes related to why I can no longer upload photos to my posts?

Tried to upload this evening but the option is missing, and instead it says:

"You have used 162.7 MB of your 19.53 MB attachment limit.".

If I delete some photos what will happen to my restoration thread?

I self hosted images in the past on other forums but not sure I want to do it again...

Edit: I don't see any option to delete photos from the 'my attachments' page.

Edited by DJB350Z
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TSSC Members get an unlimited allowance for posting pictures.

The "Forum User" members of the Forum now have an allowance of 200MB of pictures, with a maximum of 10MB of pictures in any single submission, and the ability to delete pictures elsewhere.

There are also a limit of 48 hours for "Forum User" members to edit a post - again, TSSC Members get an unlimited time to edit a posting.

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Ok, so a recent change then I suppose. I didn't go 800% over quota overnight. 😅

I don't see any option to delete photos from the 'my attachments' page. How do I get rid of them please?

Edit: not sure what's going on but I have more quota now, and the option to delete photos has miraculously appeared.

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I already pointed that out, I'm in the same boat, I like to polish and hone my prose. However you'll notice only one instance of editing is reported no matter how many times you went in and out and you don't have to say why you dun it.


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14 hours ago, dougbgt6 said:


I already pointed that out, I'm in the same boat, I like to polish and hone my prose. However you'll notice only one instance of editing is reported no matter how many times you went in and out and you don't have to say why you dun it.


I like to prone my hose too. Once, I can live with. Some posts can end up with three or four and that's a bit embarrassing especially when spellchecker thinks it knows better.

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