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Rivnut tool recommendations

mark powell

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Hi Mark. That's very sharp of you to spot the make of the Boys' Rivnut tool. I freeze-framed the last episode to try and see what they had and couldn't!

I have a Laser 0979 and an Eclipse 2745 ... what do you call it? ... single-handed grip type tool. Do NOT buy the Laser unless you're only using aluminium Rivnuts or you like buying replacement mandrels 'till kingdom come. To be fair to Laser, they did add "aluminium rivets only" to the product packaging ... AFTER I had bought mine! The Eclipse is much better made, but even so I find it very easy to either under- or over-compress the rivets. Maybe I haven't got the feel for these tools yet? Or maybe I just don't use it enough!

The advantage of a right-angled single-handed type is that it gets into small and awkward spaces, which the two-handed lever/concertina type on Ebay may have difficulty with.  That Sealey drill-assist looks like a neat idea. Especially if you can set the torque so you don't destroy the mandrel. It should be reasonable quality as they specify steel and stainless steel.

I hope my random thoughts are of some value.

Cheers, Richard

PS: I see Laser no longer say aluminium rivets only. They now state that:-


Mandrels & nut rivets are consumable due to the nature of the application.

Well, the rivets are obviously a consumable commodity, DUH! But their mandrels? Laser mandrels are a little too consumable for my liking. Bitter, moi?

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Great info.  I was also looking at the Eclipse one.

 Leaning heavily towards the Sealey item.  I have the pop rivet variety and boy, doesn't it save time and wrist pain.

The only downside is the overall length of the drill and the tool, so awkward spaces would be a possible issue.

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1 minute ago, Anglefire said:

I bought   was given one of these for Christmas https://smile.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07FKHNF4H/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 

Can't comment on its efficacy as I've not used it yet! Hopefully will over the next few days - when I either have finished the tiling or have to take a break from it!

I’ve got the same one , works fine though the mandrills will show signs of wear on the threads after a while. Because it’s a grip type access can be an issue 


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I've used this Force made Rivnut set for around 15 years quite frequently, it was recommended for Al nuts but I've used steel rivnuts with no problem.

only issue is the small 3mm Al Rivnut its very easy to strip the nut internal thread when compressing, but I've only used a couple in 15 years so I've upgraded to steel in that size.

I've also upgraded to a couple of UNF sizes with extra mandrels, I have a local (little Chinese chap and wife) supplier who supplies spares & rivnuts of all sizes and threads for the Force, tho he charges over twice what I paid for it originally.

The gun is cast or drop forged Aluminum, think it cost me $25, 15 years ago. 

Peter T

Force Rivet Nut Gun.JPG

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