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Someone's nicked me spanners!

Iain T

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Honestly would you believe it! Yesterday I was working on the car in our complexes car park and must have left the imp/metric spanners out. Went to do some more work today and they're gone. 

My faith in human nature is in tatters. Why? 

The guy who parks next to me inadvertently left a box of beers on the box where I keep my tools etc. I saw him today and told him, he was most pleased. Be nice to one another! 

Rant over


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I'm constantly loosing tools, they generally turn up shortly after I've bought replacements. I found a spanner in my dressing gown pocket, how it got there I have no recollection. I have had a couple of spanners stolen, my daughter confronted the miscreant after finding them under his pillow. I wanted him prosecuted, but daughter thought a 4 year old would probably get away with the "They were so shiny" defence. 


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6 minutes ago, dougbgt6 said:

but daughter thought a 4 year old would probably get away with the "They were so shiny" defence. 

No "tiny" people about, I would forgive them hiding stuff. 

They've definitely gone, my wife didn't believe me but even her eagle eyes (she misses nuffink) couldn't find the set of 24.

Ive ordered more which includes some stubby combinations. 


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My neighbour was out trimming trees and left his good aluminium ladder propped against a trunk while he went indoors; came back, ladder gone. He went off down the road in his car and came up behind a local man on a tractor with the ladder across the back of it. Not even a trace of guilt; the farmer claimed it was his ladder that he had left there the day before - against a tree in my neighbour's garden... :)



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Many years ago I would leave tools outside whilst I nipped in doors to make a cuppa or get something, never had any problems.

Would never do that now, or haven't for the past twenty years or so. I live I SE9 London, and have had a few car break-ins, tools, trolley jack stolen.

If I take a wheels off when working on the brakes etc. I lock them away. 

The new trend of people leaving unwanted things outside their house, for passers by to take,  sets a bad precedent in my opinion.

We live in a different world nowadays where some think nothing of stealing stuff left unattended, and their twisted logic is it's your fault for leaving it out.


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Here some councils once a year have a hard rubbish collection where you can put your bigger rubbish out for them to collect eg old TV's, fridges, BBQ's, 3 piece suits, carpets, beds, kids toys, car rubbish (got rid of old wheels, gearbox casings etc), except tyres & building material, the total size that your allowed to put out is relatively large 4mts long by 1mt square. My two kids usually bring their rubbish over and put on our pile!

There's a continuous stream of illegal hawkers trawling round picking the best parts out (interesting seeing we're supposed to be in Covid lockdown & curfew), before the council pick up what's left. One mans junk is another's treasure! Whilst it's illegal to pick thro, we locals don't normally object if they leave it tidy.

We currently have a pick up next Monday the 2mt high mains pressure hot water heater has already gone, must remember NOT to park either the Vitesse or Sprint on the nature strip! Ha! Also I've opportunetly replaced all the old grubby carpet tiles from under the cars in the garage with new and the old ones have gone out, 4 stacks each around 750 high, job well done!

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The stuff you get out of skips?. A Bicycle, Two Barbecues (one gas fired), Enough Oak faced Laminate to floor the "man-shed", 14 lengths of 9x2 inch timber, cut to aprox 8 to 10ft long. My local Propane gas supplier is also a steel fabrication Co, Often have a rummage for usable steel offcuts. 6 or 7 lengths of galvanised scaffolding on one occasion.

As for "missing" spanners, Mine stopped disapearing on a regular basis, once my two son`s left home!. When one Grandson, stated "tinkering", and using my Garage. We treat him to a full set for his 18th Brithday.


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Our beagle dog Baron was a bugger at crawling under the car when I was working on it and pinching my spanners then he'd race off and bury them, easy enough to find, but wasted a lot of time, I reckon he came back from the after life and taught the rottie Nelson, but he buried them deeper!

Baron would also pick up the 2.7lb lump hammer (pipe lead jointing caulking hammer)  and run round with that by the handle thumping you in the shins as he ran past, I'm sure he had a laugh on his mouth, Got Ya! Still got the lump hammer with his teeth marks on the handle end, and TVCWB (Tees Valley & Cleveland Water Board) burnt into the handle.


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1 hour ago, PeteH said:

The stuff you get out of skips?

We're not allowed to. Once it's in the skip, it stays in. The stuff I've seen... good lengths of perfect wood, shelves and shelving units, old furniture that would be perfect for the garden, stone garden ornaments and huge flowerpots... I can understand H&S maybe having concerns but a lot of stuff is dumped unnecessarily, the dumper is either unwilling unable or too lazy to pass it on to anyone else. It just seems such a waste when I have to go to the Hardware Shop and buy stuff, small quantities of wood, planks or kerbstones that other people have just thrown away.

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When we first got my daughters Mk2 Spit 20 years ago the engine sat to high at the front just clearing the bonnet and the top hose wouldn’t align, it took me couple of years of measuring and research to determine it had Herald front turrents not Spit, I couldn’t find the offside one in Aus, but I happened to be walking the dog over the over side of Dingley Village at the hard rubbish time and low and behold I passed a house where I knew a chap had previously had a Spit and low and behold there was a RH turret on the rubbish. I grabbed it hoping it wasn’t a Herald/Vit/GT6 version got it home measured the engine mount offset Yipee it was a Spit turret.

Had it powder coated red and fitted, engine dropped down so all aligned, sometimes the stars just align up! And for nix too. I’m not usually that lucky!

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I did think I'd be safer as the multi storey is for residents and visitors only, I've an idea who it was but no proof. Never had anything else stolen it really pi**es you off plus its stopped me twiddlin! 

Had confirmation the new set have been sent, I ordered them from the ManoMano website. 

There's an apartment block near me that always has broken furniture, beds etc dumped outside. People too lazy or ignorant that you can get 5 items collected twice a year free by the council. 

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Sometimes tealeaves are useful!

Our house was previously in 'multiple occupation', so had an external fire escape, from our bedroom window.    Great wide thing in cast and wrought iron, black and rusty.   My wife didn't like it, I wasn't too keen, so out with the angle grinder, but what to do with it?    Too big for the car, unless I cut it up into small pieces, I put it out on the verge and stated calling local scrapyards.  No one was interested, couldn't find anyone to take it, but 48 hours later, it was gone!   The word had got out and down to the totters.     Ok by me, I was rid!


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3 hours ago, Mathew said:

the scum had nicked a drill! Watching you like a hawk for when you slip up

My hot water tank in the bathroom above the garage started leaking, I didn't notice until I discovered the GT6 was wet :o. Looked up and "Oh! Why is the ceiling black, sagging and soggy?"

Plumber replaced tank with a new stainless job (stainless is standard now apparently, cheaper than copper) and put the old tank on the drive to put in his van. Van was locked so back to the bathroom to find his keys, then back to van, but tank gone! He knows who dun it, they follow him around, but the rozzers do nothing.



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I was cleaning out the garage one day and I forgot the next morning was "trash day": Not your normal pick up when you throw things out like beds and sofas etc.

The kids had a set of garden furniture that I put out and literally as my back was turned they were gone!

Luckily they had outgrown it but it still annoyed me....

When I work on the car I almost always roll it in and out. I rarely leave it out I put a cover on it. So far people have said/done nothing...


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  • 2 years later...

Bl***Y tea leafs at it again. I went to the Vitesse to drop off a one way valve for the washers, yes I lost the ball bearing again and found my locker broken into. They rummaged around and took things out but luckily they did know what most of the parts were so left them. However they did nick my trolley jack and large torque wrench but left the axle stands. I leave items at my own risk but this is the second time. I'll have to make a strong demountable steel box as the plastic garden one is too flimsy.

Now Starmer's made room I hope they get caught and thrown in jail...






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This is in a lockup, Iain?  Bad luck! Really as they probably broke in at random, not after anything specific.

 Had my own (free standing, next to house) garage stolen from years ago. Now doors are locked and bolted, my tool cabinets sit in a brick alcove, bolted to the wall, behind a cross bar that's padlocked to the wall.

Sure, someone with a crowbar could have them outmin seconds, but yoofs don't carry crowbars!


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