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GB sticker no longer valid


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yes I see the GB sticker, which has been valid for international travel for 111 years, is scrapped and has to be replaced with UK or Union Jacks.

All I can say is how stupid - apart from the cost and inconvenience in my opinion its a good, if small, example of the sort of change in mind set thats needed. We've got to learn that the first question for any action is always going to have to be: is this worth the waste in materials and energy? Im no Greta but can see where shes coming from....

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The problem is NI. Not part of GB, but is part of the UK. Brexit seems to have brought the issue up and has now been sorted. Not too much grief, modern cars you just spend £2 on a pair of number plate stickers. Our cars, well, I expect to buy a magnetic one to slap on the boot. Not common yet, but I expect they will appear soon and again a couple of quid. 

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28 minutes ago, dougbgt6 said:

I thought Europe was surreptitiously reeling NI back in, what with the imaginary border in the North Sea and Colin unable to buy British?  :) 


Well, Oireland is, you can display either Ireland or EU stickers, but not GB any more. I'll display both and see who complains.

Just had an eBay seller refuse to post to me as NI is an 'overseas territory'; the item said "will post to UK" but no amount of argument would sway the issue. Had to have it posted to my sister in Hants.

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41 minutes ago, johny said:

Nobody on the continent understand or cares GB/UK anyway and its been ok for the last 111years! More plastic waste in landfill/ocean....

It would make life easier for us over here. When I go to my local post office they, and me, can never remember if you are listed as Royaume Uni or Grand Bretagne when it comes to postal category.


23 minutes ago, dougbgt6 said:

EU will insist on Angleterre.



Doubt it unless you split into the various entities. We'll just think you are a load of woolie jumper wearers

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Just now, Chris A said:

I've seen a couple of cars belonging to foreigners with the much loved but now doomed GB sticker.

I was tempted to ask how they expected to get back or had they been fined by our men in blue yet. 😁

I'm in Bretagne where a lot of cars have 'BzH' ones. 

Not only that It took us aole morning to twig that the Breton spelling for towns on signposts is different to the French one. At least this way we know if there are two places ahead or just one 

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15 minutes ago, Chris A said:

Doubt it unless you split into the various entities.

Once Scotland split that only leaves England and Wales, and Wales ain't a country. 

Trying to work RY on to the end of ANG. Angleterre Republic of Yeomanry, possibly, but that would mean ER2 would have to go.  


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4 hours ago, Chris A said:

Not only that It took us aole morning to twig that the Breton spelling for towns on signposts is different to the French one. At least this way we know if there are two places ahead or just one 

Silly me I should have said that the lettering for the two is different not just the spelling.

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6 hours ago, Mathew said:

I think your basically right. It quite easily have been a phased switch over with both being ok for a set time. There needs to be a proper discussion on alot that is going on but everyone seems too intent on name calling and blame than getting a solution and everyone working towards it. 

No it couldn't have been phased in as its something the Goverment applies to the UN for and seems to be only one official monicer is allowed. Was a bit of a cock up to go from GB with the EU rings to GB with the union flag to UK in just 9 months - but I do understand the logic of the UK change to encompase NI - as mentioned by Clive.

The AA are moaning amongst others having got a shed load of GB badges made up.  Given the lack of being able to go abroad for the last 9months seems like they jumped too quickly when there was no real demand

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3 hours ago, PeteH said:

Of course all the Stickers/Plates will be made /printed in China, shipped at great cost, and then Binned!. When new rules are brought in.

More Chinese Millionairs👍


Yes but then they can blame the UK for the pollution caused, so we feel guilty and bring in more restrictions...

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2 minutes ago, John Lay said:

I've only got a GB Number Plate on the Spitfire - can stick something over that without too much trouble, but do I really have to think about removing the chromed letters from my Jag?

What a b*****y nonsense


I don't think it is a real issue. Just use a magnetic UK Oval "sticker" and all is well. And that is only needed if you travel to Europe or beyond (And indeed, I sincerely hope the jag gets to stretch its legs overseas)

BTW isn't Goodwood a wonderful pace to drive 🙂 I wwas informally timed last visit, and managed 1.50 However, seems I am a long was off the good drivers, they weer doing 1.30s in A40s at the revival.

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20 hours ago, clive said:

The problem is NI. Not part of GB, but is part of the UK. Brexit seems to have brought the issue up and has now been sorted. Not too much grief, modern cars you just spend £2 on a pair of number plate stickers. Our cars, well, I expect to buy a magnetic one to slap on the boot. Not common yet, but I expect they will appear soon and again a couple of quid. 

Mr Lindsay may be able to answer this one but my impression has always been that Northern Ireland were always perfectly happy, nay proud of their own "NI" national moniker?

All this because of a divisive Brexit referenum held purely to counter in-fighting in one political party.  Divisions that said party believe they can heal with tokenism like changing the stickers on our cars from "GB" to "UK" and trying to cram Union Jacks into every TV interview😞

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33 minutes ago, John Lay said:

I've only got a GB Number Plate on the Spitfire - can stick something over that without too much trouble, but do I really have to think about removing the chromed letters from my Jag?

What a b*****y nonsense

What a lovely car! 

I think as long as you display a UK badge somewhere the denizens of the rest of the EU will sleep safe at night. I presume this means you can also display a GB badge for its' historical significance, but I'm still waiting for the first reports of drivers being made to remove the GB badge regardless of what other badges they have which are legal-requirement compliant.

As Mjit says above: yes, like all regions - Cornwall, Brittany, Wales, Scotland, we have our own little identity that sets us apart. The problem arises as to how you show that regional loyalty without causing offence to others.

My car badge is the official Coat of Arms of Northern Ireland, as close to an official badge as I can find. Nationalists don't believe in Northern Ireland and refer to it as 'The North of Ireland' so for them there is no separate identity from Ireland itself. Within that, we have the province of Ulster - six counties for the Unionists' version and nine for the Irish version, which follows the boundaries of the original traditional province before partition down to six counties in 1921. You sometimes get badges with the word 'Ulster' but the background colour tells you the politics behind it - white for Unionists, yellow for Nationalists.

The traditional badge of my birth county - Tyrone - is the Red Hand of the O'Neills, so we have the same symbol of the Red Hand of Ulster used by both sides, as shown in the recent Gaelic football match final at Croke Park and in the numerous Loyalist band parades over the summer. And of course, you can buy badges that really confuse things... so try explaining all this to a tourist when he buys what he thinks is the correct flag or t-shirt and wears it in the 'wrong' area... :)





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6 minutes ago, clive said:

I don't think it is a real issue. Just use a magnetic UK Oval "sticker" and all is well. And that is only needed if you travel to Europe or beyond (And indeed, I sincerely hope the jag gets to stretch its legs overseas)

TECHNICALLY it's illegal to display the old "GB" code...but in reality nobody is actually going to care!  I know I've done most of one Le Mans trip in my Spitfire with no GB sticker (having watched 130kph on the Autoroute win out over the strength of the sticker's magnet) and ever other Le Mans with an illegally positioned GB sticker (sits on top the boot lid as I've never found a magnetic one that will fit in the tiny metal spaces on the read of a Mk IV Spitfire).  Only time I've been stopped was in a convoy with two TVSs - and only then at some road works in a tiny French village and because the local police were bored and wanted to take pictures of the cars :)

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