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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. PeteH


    Hi Anyone else noticed the way the Aldi 20V tools are being marketed?. EG; Sabre type saw = Circa, £22. BUT it needs a Battery £15?. and a charger £15+. Therefore it really costs somewhere in the region of £55 to £60!, before you can actually use it. I do accept that the same battery CAN be used on other tools in the range however. Having said that, I have the Air Saw, and that has seen a fair bit of use. along with the DA/Orbital sander. And the pillar drill @ just over £50 was a definite "Best Buy" of 2015!. Along with a similarly priced Petrol Chain Saw. Which is a boon when needing to cut feed for my log burner.
  2. PeteH

    GK engine number

    Mine is 1970 Build, (Jan`71 registered) said to be the original engine (converted to unleaded circa 1985). and Is GK 77***. if that is any help.
  3. Hi So there is a difference between the H13/60 and Vittesse Bonnets then?. That is interesting as I have been offered a Vittesse bonnet, And thought from appearance it would be an easy fit?. (my 13/60 bonnet is to say the least a bit "ragged"), but the front panel looks salvageable. (or maybe I could keep the 2 headlight system? and convert to LED`s?) Looking at the "Canley" Drawings I can see the Bonnet Tops are the same part number. (items 15 and 20). But the sides (1&2 in both cases) are not. (And the Vittesse panel is £50+ more expensive?).
  4. Hi. Recently removed similar, from the rear body tub, I managed to do it with Scraper(s), which removed most of it. What was left came off with Turps, Subs, (white spirit). Finished it off with Brake cleaner, and a wire brush to scour the remaining surface, then seam sealed, after which two coats of "Hamerite". Pete
  5. Hi. Any one have a 13/60 Steering Column?. Condition is immaterial as I want to try creating an Electric PAS system with it, so it is going to be Cut and altered. I need to retain mine in case the Experiment fails. Pete
  6. PeteH

    Fuel pipe?

    HI R9 Grade, Is the recommend for this application, with the caveat that there are some being retailed "out there" which have doubtful origins!. Mine came from a website retailing for the Rally fraternity. Pete EDIT:- On my earlier post. THIS is worth a look:- https://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.asp?h=0&f=7&t=1734209
  7. One of the screws on mine started to come out some years back. I put it back home with Superglue on the threads, So far not happened again.
  8. I have the same Halfords Ratchet(s) both 3/8" and 1/4" and they have survived some 20 years at a Guess.. The Halfords "boast" was IF they failed they would replace lifetime!. (so worth a Try?) Found this trawling for a Long ago Post on Power Steering Conversions. Any Idea`s where it is?.
  9. I have the "Tyre Pal" System fitted to the Motorhome. The Readout sits on top of the dash and battery is maintained by a small Solar Panel. At close to 4t on the road I feel it is worthwhile. Saved me when I had a front brake partly seize, This raised the Tyre Temp and the warning "bleat" alerted me to the issue. Normally The Failure of the tyre would have been the first indication, OR, the brake fade due to overheating. Probably paid for itself on that first and so far only occasion. Pete
  10. Are the Parts still available?. The door looks better than Mine!.
  11. Hi There are a couple of S-H one`s on Flea Bay. Pete
  12. Hi Short of getting into the "head" of the designer. May I proselytise?. In the 60`s there was a tendency for Motorcycle makers to use Reynolds tubing. This came as a high strength thin-wall tubing, IF Triumph in their wisdom thought that this would be a good material to use for this (high stress) situation, they may well have decided that as a "belt and braces" approach to construct the Item in this fashion, to increase stiffness in the critical area`s around the bends.
  13. HI Would seem to support my feeling then, The "Mini Maniacs" back then would leave it out to give greater clearance, with the Carb(s) being close to the bulkhead it was sometimes a issue getting the shiny Intake "trumpets" to clear!. (Filter? what Filter?) What did not happen with many was they forgot that "breathing" was not just down to a "Bigger" Throat. But needed gas flowing and other changes to achieve any decent power increases. So often they where just wasting fuel and making life harder!. One guy sheared off the bottom of the SU carb, when the Head mount brace gave way. He was lucky not to finish up as a ball of fire, because the SU pump just kept on pushing petrol out!, even as the engine was stopping.
  14. Hi This often happened to people who drive only a short distance to work (say). The engine does not get a good enough Workout!. Take it for A good Thrash, once a week at least, that sorts the Gunge out!. Engines that do low mileages actually need more TLC, than those used regularly and hard!. IMV. Pete
  15. Hi On some vehicles that "spacer" is is of a non heat conducting material too. There was an issue in the 60`s, when mini`s first came out and guys swapped carbs; in the "hope" of "Go Faster". The spacer aided keeping the carb; cooler and fuel evaporation to a minimum. Leaving the heat shield off was another "mistake" often made too. A lot of "hot start" issues could be traced to that. Pete
  16. Hi Can you post a Link?. I would be very interested.
  17. Hi Thanks Clive. I will look into that, the bottom hose is virtually unseen anyway once the side panels are in!. You can tell it`s a Yorkshireman typing this!!😀, even my Scots relatives think I am tight!😀, and I do have the (OE?) hoses for patterns. Pete.
  18. Hi Would seem the general conscientious would be to "bite the bullet"?. But does seem to come within the remit of the Yorkshire War Cry------- "How MUCH!!!".😀
  19. Hi This is the Bracket I fabricated for the 13/60, as you can see it doubled up as part of the "rotator" whilst I Cleaned up the chassis!. When complete it will have a removable Tow ball and will not be visible unless in use. Tubes cut to support the Bolts are standard Practice, to stop them crushing the Extensions. And are supplied with all the reputable Tow brackets I have ever fitted to cars and 4x4`s where the fastenings are through chassis sections
  20. I use Citric acid in the water heater in my Motorhome, a couple of times a Year, (Hard Water area). That seems to keep it clean and working OK. Phosphoric acid was a "favourite" for cleaning Sea water distillation plants in marine environments back in the 60`s 70`s. BTW. has anyone come up with a way to make the Heater (motor) into a 2 or 3 speed fan?. Pete
  21. Hi Just had a look at the latest "Club" book. Silicone Hose kit (13/60) £100-00. (Sharp intake of breath!!). As opposed to £25-00 for the "other" offerings. Will they last 4 times as long?.
  22. Hi In the 80`s my wife owned and drove our Vitesse as her "daily". Every winter I would put a Large bag of sand in the boot, it had the effect of making the apparent tyre contact footprint larger, and thereby (one assumes) some increased adhesion in the more "in-clement" winter weather. Fast Forward to present the 13/60 currently under major restoration (body off) has the aforementioned "swing" axle, Pictures given to me by the previous owner show a largely level position ref the Ground?. Without any lowering block fitted?.
  23. IMV. Sound advice!. Lots of people tinker with stuff, and then regret doing it!.😢
  24. Thanks John, I couldn't remember M Poiseuilles. But it comes up in Naval Architecture and Ship Construction. But that was 50 years ago!. 5/16 = .3125" : 8mm = 3149" : 7mm = .2755". All approx. Pete
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