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Dick Twitchen

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Everything posted by Dick Twitchen

  1. Ah, but the SNP position is very clear: "Independence will give us the power to remove nuclear weapons from Scotland". Enough of politics, Guatanamo Bay was a liver harming run ashore in 1975! Back to GB stickers; what I am not clear on is why this decision and who made it? Dick
  2. That's the difference between an SSBN (Ballistic missile firing, Nuclear powered) and SSN (Nuclear powered) which seems to, not surprisingly, escape much of the media and public. Best not go down the rabbit hole of what happens with respect to Faslane Naval Base and the approx 11,000 (figures vary) jobs should Indy Ref 2 go through! Dick
  3. Most unlikely as it will probably be outsourced to you know where then stuck in a shipping container. Interesting that there is no mention of what the penalty is for failing to comply so should make the legal profession smile and the courts even more choked up with appeals. Dick
  4. Interesting that this does not appear to have it the mainstream press (yet). The commotion tomorrow/Wednesday will be indicative of what the general public feels about such a crass waste of time, energy and individuals money and the associated avoidable pollution in production issue (tongue in cheek). Dick
  5. More likely to be 3.63:1. This link to the Archive section on the Canley Classics site may help. https://www.canleyclassics.com/?archive=different-differentials
  6. A look in the 'Areas' section on the Club Home Page might guide you to a local regular meet that can meet the requirement. Dick
  7. I would suggest use it and enjoy it; if something goes wrong and the head has to come off all will be revealed (maybe)! Dick
  8. Try contacting Guy Singleton the Bond Register Sec for the TSSC. His details are in The Cars section of the website. Dick
  9. And from bitter experience check that the indent in the new brake cylinders allows the handbrake pivot to sit recessed. Dick
  10. And that is the key point, it's not up to the HQ to be checking it's down to the AO's pride of ownership. They volunteer and so one would have thought.....or maybe not. I wonder, whimsically of course, how many AOs (beyond Doug and Pete) look at the Forum.
  11. Some 'organisers' should be embarrassed by this. Recently in some good weather and with a bit of time thought I would drive to a different local area meet after COVID easing. Check website and proclaiming first meeting was on 20 July and the venue so off i go. After a pleasant hours drive find the pub and a Bond, also a visitor from elsewhere, only to find the pub closed. Apparently he had told the regulars on Facebook. Two hours plus of my life will not get back and a bad advert fro the Club. Dick
  12. Not sure if it is the same as a GT6 but from your photos v similar and some of us have been this way before and used a part from Chris Witor https://forum.tssc.org.uk/topic/7092-gt6-steering-rack-issue/?tab=comments#comment-97000 Dick
  13. Quite where he gets 'only 17 in the UK' from I know not; from memory and given the vagaries of DVLA records I think there are about 50 on the road out of 100 left. I think it is a shadow line on the doors but the front valance is not aligned correctly. Dick
  14. Not Triumph specific but the text may be a clue: https://www.mgexp.com/forum/mgb-and-gt-forum.1/silver-seal-engine.788656/ Dick
  15. On the home page if you look under 'The Club' there is a section on 'Club Document Downloads' and it is among those. Dick
  16. Optional extra, for good reason, on a GT6 Mk1 so should be no problem. Dick
  17. "Time for bed said Zebedee"....."B*ll*cks said Florence".
  18. Caveat Emptor? That's about as far as my Latin goes. Dick
  19. Something I can confirm from when I had a Europa back in 1975-76! Notwithstanding that it was great fun, and even had electric windows courtesy of Ford Cortina windscreen wiper motor IIRC. Dick
  20. Compared to my A-H Mk1 Sprite (sliding windows, no windscreen washer and access to the boot space by grovelling over the seats) it certainly was! Dick
  21. Peter, I think most/all of us in the South's Extreme Weather Warning area would happily swap with you (for now)!
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