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Old fuel goes stale ??? It's a load of bow locks !!


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My grass is the same colour as Colin's. I had a blond moment a couple of weeks ago, put the sprinkler on in the evening and..............went to bed. Woke up to quag-bog next morning, but grass is nice and green 2 weeks later. Can't help but think the impending hose pipe ban is my fault.


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Thing about grass is, it grows again!    Think of the Serengeti plain, covered in grasses, eaten to the ground by migrating wildebeeste, dry and brown - and it all comes back after the Rains!

Grass can do that - your lawn has died - it's "aestivating"!


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2 hours ago, dougbgt6 said:

 put the sprinkler on in the evening and..............went to bed. Woke up to quag-bog next morning, but grass is nice and green 2 weeks later. Can't help but think the impending hose pipe ban is my fault.

Yes, it's all your fault. The water shortages, the hosepipe ban, the reduced pressure....how do you sleep at night with all those thirsty gardens on your conscience!! Seriously though, how are the fire people going to cope with little water in the rivers, mains etc.

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3 minutes ago, Badwolf said:

Seriously though, how are the fire people going to cope with little water in the rivers, mains etc.

Despite the water shortages here and all the forest fires - including in Brittany! - I haven't heard any reports of firefighters having shortages. There are a few places that are having drinking water delivered by (what is usually a milk) tanker as their supplies have dried up. 

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I just love this conversation, It make me Laugh every time. This is an Island nation, The technology has existed since at least the 1960`s. to produce "potable"water from The Sea Water with which we are surrounded. Using the (alleged) "waste" energy from power generation. In marine practice I was making 20tonne a day, using the heat recovered from the Ship`s main engines. That was "small beer" your Cruise liners make hundreds of tonnes a day. The upscaling is not beyond the wit of man, Just lazyness on the part of Government and Water Companies.


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To operate a modern steam turbine as efficiently as possible the steam temperature when exhausted from the last stage to the condenser is well below 100ºc (its operating at a very low pressure) so has very little energy left in it so difficult to then use to produce fresh water😞 You can extract steam from further upstream in the process but then of course its not waste...

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We have a Desalination plant here in Melbourne capable of 150Gl/a when our annual consumption is 3 times that volume it’s run by a French Co. It ain’t cheap tho prior to the desal plant the wholesale cost of water to the 3 retailers was around $200/Ml to cover the Desal plant and it’s operation it rose to around $1700/Ml Ooch! Most of the cost is the construction and fixed annual operational costs the cost of actually producing the water is minor 

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1 hour ago, 68vitesse said:

Is this because of Brexit and Boris?.




No, all our water is piped from Ukraine, and the war has disrupted supplies. The green lobby refused to allow the sinking of new wells, it caused sea level drop in Outer Mongolia, so we've had to import.

  • Haha 1
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1 hour ago, 68vitesse said:

Is this because of Brexit and Boris?.




No, because of the heat more pastis is being drunk and of course you need to add a fair bit of water to it. I'll do my bit to save water this afternoon and instead of my 4pm mug of tea I'll have a bottle of beer. 🤪

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5 minutes ago, Colin Lindsay said:

it caused sea level drop in Outer Mongolia

Yeh, but the melting polar icecaps compensate for that, in fact to combat rising sea levels we should be building massive desalination plants and encouraging people to use as much water as possible. Keep drinking or start swimming! But what do we do with all the salt?


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5 minutes ago, Chris A said:

'll do my bit to save water this afternoon and instead of my 4pm mug of tea I'll have a bottle of beer. 🤪

As an occasional brewer I have to tell you it takes 10 pints of water to make one pint of beer. Or litres if you're in France.


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1 minute ago, dougbgt6 said:

As an occasional brewer I have to tell you it takes 10 pints of water to make one pint of beer. Or litres if you're in France.


You didn't HAVE to tell me, rather than let me continue in blissful ignorance you wanted to make me feel terribly guilty with the sad result that I'll turn to drink to get over it . . . .🍺

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8 minutes ago, dougbgt6 said:

As an occasional brewer I have to tell you it takes 10 pints of water to make one pint of beer. Or litres if you're in France.


THAT clears up why when I drink a pint, I run to the loo about ten times. They say you can't compress a liquid, but you must be able to otherwise my bladder would be the size of a ten gallon hat.

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16 hours ago, dougbgt6 said:

But what do we do with all the salt?

With the alleged pemanancy of the high Temperatures, it will be consumed by the population to replace their  lost salts. Ie. put it on your food.👍 The downside is we wont need it for the roads?. BUT our cars will last longer.👍


17 hours ago, johny said:

To operate a modern steam turbine as efficiently as possible the steam temperature when exhausted from the last stage to the condenser is well below 100ºc (its operating at a very low pressure) so has very little energy left in it so difficult to then use to produce fresh water😞 You can extract steam from further upstream in the process but then of course its not waste...

It`s produced at well below 100C, in a vaccuum, Often 80C or less.

13 hours ago, Colin Lindsay said:

Thank Gawd it wasn't this stuff, then.


Pair of green wellies with every case? .


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26 minutes ago, johny said:

Thatll be it then as exhaust steam conditions will be around 52ºc...

Over 20 year ago, the "condesate" from the Drax (B) Plant up in Yorkshire, was piped to Huge Tanks and circulated around a massive area of glass houses adjacent to the plant, before being taken back and reused. The glasshouses are still there. (English Village Salads). Not sure about the Tankage though. They where also experimenting with Carbon Recovery too, I am told it was actually used (the recovered CO2) by the drinks industry!. I was involved with the bi-annual "shutdown" Statutary H&SE survey of the one of the Drax Boilers, back in 1981, Before I moved to Surrey to work my own district. Then it burned pulverised coal from the nearby mines. When they where shut down, imported East European Coal, now it burns wood pellets from the USA and Canada. It`ll be closed down soon, if the Green lobby get their way. Drax A and Ferrbridge have already gone, Eggborough Is "mothballed" I am advised.

RIP. Power security?.


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yes district heating is a good way to raise energy efficiency but obviously requires the installation of a lot of piping and who wants to live next door to a power station! Then expensive to recover CO2 (means burning even more fuel to do it😞) and where to put it, we're talking millions of tonnes, as its got to be stored for eternity...

No easy answers to any of it!  

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On 07/08/2022 at 19:51, KevinR said:

Just to rub it in a bit more, the back garage is 40ft long by 15ft wide, and the front garage is "only" 30ft long by 15ft wide for the front half and 10ft wide for the back half.

There are still 2 GT6's at the very back of the back garage !

Kevin, I am available for adoption, you can be my new dad. I would promise to put the tools away after working on my car and turn off the lights.

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