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Any problems due to E10 usage reported yet?


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I had to put some E10 in the other day. Garage had no E5 and I was VERY low. Only a tenners worth but it made me think I should 'dilute it' with some E5. 

Then again, perhaps the stories of melted rubber were exaggerated???

I'll  probably play safe and save up for £20 of E5 next month. :)

that will be E6.7 then.?

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I had to put in E10 on a long trip, I found it difficult to keep the tick over going when I got to stop start. I think the timing would have to be adjusted if you intend to run permanently on E10. There is no doubt E5/10 eat rubber, be afraid, very afraid! :o Gates Barricade is the rubber pipe to go for.


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its pretty clear many / most problems  on forum  come from fake /poor quailty replacemnt fuel hose not the fuel itself 

yes E10 has some effects with moisture  but no cars have disolved over the weekend

tkes us back to the millenium clock and loss of leaded petrol  the world has not ended ....yet 

dont think mixing is of any consequence   use it up anf then refill with some good stuff 

esso say there is no E in thier  super stuff    but they have too say it has on the pump

wonde rif that applies to some others   will we ever know ???




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I was looking at a HRS (hydrogen refuelling station) being built the other day and it had an electrical connection to a electrolysis system to produce H2 on site so only needed a water supply. However the production rate was worryingly small and that has to be liquified and then stored there ready to pump into cars...

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Why is it that Gates Barricade must be used? There are multiple E5/E10 safe hoses available from reputable manufactures and used in applications many more critical than our cars - unless market is flooded with phoney goods.

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its a  make thats proven ability to work ,  yes there's lots of alternative and too easily available  loads of fake rubbish .

its the rubbish thats caused problems especially rubber slivers many have suffered from and collapsed internals 

how do you know branded to fake when the print down the hose implies its all correct theres a challenge 


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Thanks Pete. I buy from reputable providers of hoses and related components who are servicing industries where such products are often mission critical. Maybe I’m lucky in that all around me are petrochemical plants and associated operations and any business providing them with anything less than bang on spec wouldn’t be tolerated.

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It is very irritating that diesel is now so expensive, However, my 2 litre diesel is still doing 10 miles per litre. Very close to 5 miles per £1. My son's 2 litre petrol car does 8 miles on a litre. That comes out close to 5 miles per £1 also.

I used to be able to find Biodiesel in 2008 when it was cheaper than 'Normal' diesel, but the sources have disappeared. Shame, as my XUD in the motorhome with the Bosch pump will run on that.

I still have 20 litres of diesel in the garage that cost £1.50 late last year. It does keep. I don't use it all up in case we get caught out like early this year.

I guess some of us will be recycling used chip oil again soon.

I have heard desperate calls on the radio from care workers reverting to Red Diesel. They are taking a mighty risk.



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