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latest (newest) post first

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Is there a way to get the latest (newest) post to come up first. I've look in my settings but can not see a post setting section.

At the moment when I click on a subject thread, it will show the first post (oldest)  in that thread. which means you have to click on the next page and the next until you find the newest post. Can this be changed so it goes strat to the newset post?


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If you click on the subject, you get the start of the thread, but if you're looking at the "Unread Content" page then each topic has a "5 minutes ago" marker, which is actually a link to the newest post. I just click on that.

What would be really nice, though, would be a link that took you straight to the first unread post.

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4 hours ago, Chris A said:

The unread heading gives you 2 options.

Top of the page with the first unread comment


First unread comment. This is the setting I use and go from there

Where do I find those options? I've only ever seen the behaviour I described and can't see an option to change it.

Ah, OK, I've found it. Not at all obvious, though, tucked away under a selection for "Read Status". The designer of the forum software probably thought it was, I suppose.

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Thanks for the comments.  On all the other forums I am on.( this is the only Triumph ) there is a setting in our preferences that allow you to set first or last in a thread, but I can’t find it on here, maybe there isn't one?

The unread route is a good one but then it is difficult to find the thread again. A which way round option would be a good one. It's more convenient when I just want a quick read of a forum.

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Hi Fungus. I don't know if this will work for you but this address


Is the one I use for checking new threads. If it has loaded as I see mine, you should get a customisable set of heading so you can change things as you want them. To go to the end of a thread click on the time since last post. To go to the start click on the thread title. You can also set condesed (title only ish), expaded (gives a little of the last thread ish). Hope this might help you.

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The IP Board software is very flexible for user configuration.  Unfortunately there are very few setups I can pre configure for users, and there are very few guides for users to explain the flexibility.

I learned something new today - clicking the black spot takes one to the first unread  post in a thread.  I then noticed something else I’d not seen before, there is a horizontal line between the last post you have seen and the first one you haven’t read.

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The dot or star is at the front of the name of the thread, I see stars on the thing you've posted. A new addition to the post and the title will be in heavy type, click the dot or star and you're taken to the first new post. The line will be above it, under the last bit of the post you read. 

Not sure of the significance of dot or star, different topics perhaps?


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  • 3 weeks later...

I've never read all the posts, so haveing the unread post come up still means you have to search thorugh them to find the post you want to read.

I see the on the new activity page there is a order  option.


could this not then, also be added to the normal Forum pages?

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If you're struggling with clutter from old posts that you've never read, just click on the "Mark site as read" link (just to the right of the "Unread Content" link) to reset the baseline. After that, the unread page will only show the new posts since you were last here.

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yes I do that anyway, it's just that things would be so much simpler if you could set which way around you would like the posts in a thread to be displaid. Newest or oldest post first.

I find that Newest post first make it much easyer to follow

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must be missing something here.

I've pick at random a thread. it's taken me to the begining of that thread as it always does. so now it is shows on my screen the oldest (i.e. first post)...

were is the " the date of the last update " to click on?

this is what i can see.


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