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MOT extension


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I think - think - we have the same but it only applies to cars that are due after the 30th March. My Gt6 was due in March 2019 so will have to be tested, as will any car whose MOT expires before the end of March. We're still trying to get the 40 year exemption through the Assembly but they can't seem to get their priorities right this weather.

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Someone who is infected but not showing symptoms drives your car bugs get into ventilation system to pass on to you.

Then you are relying on the examiner not to transfer bugs from other cars he is testing.

To much trust being placed in others.

Or am I just paranoid.


Paranoid of Norwich


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it is a sensible choice - yes, the MOT-testing stations are open, but this will reduce the number of people who need to enter these businesses thus further-restricting movement (getting the MOT test done is no longer essential)

....... Andy

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13 minutes ago, dougbgt6 said:

Sorry, I don't understand that.


The MOT extension will mean that people do not need to go to an MOT station to remain legally-mobile (assuming they are a key-worker it would have been considered an essential journey) thus there will be a reduction in possible transfer at MOT stations. Any reduction is a positive move, therefore i view this as a sensible choice.

..... Andy 

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Talking about trusting people, last weekend the person next to me In the office had arranged with his mates to go to Butlin' s for an 80's 3 day event, very proud there would be 3000 to 6000 people. Note: football matches were being closed down that weekend. Guess what, came back into the office on Tuesday. Thursday night sent an E mail in to say he had high temp, difficulty breathing and interesting a random nose bleed. Also turns out on Thursday morning had not felt well but still came in. Fortunately I only had to go in on Friday when I was asked to change desks at 1.30. 

5 days later I am still clear. 

You can't trust people.


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My MoT man is self isolating, and locus ones are in very short supply

luckily my next MoT to expire is middle of March.

Can still get the modern serviced, which is this Friday. 

Have been racking up Way more mileage than normal rushing about as half my colleagues are self isolating until this is all over.

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Logical move in My View. The 13/60, is not going to be on the road anytime soon, and at 49yrs and 4 Months old is exempt anyway. Wife`s is a "Lease" and not 2 yrs old. Motorhome was "done" last Month. My "runabout" not due until July, but had a dicky clutch so is not being used much at all, (and Even less now!). This move will reduce potentially some "interaction", where issues could have arisen, 6 months is unlikely to have any effect on accident rates due to "Failure". What I think needs clarifying is, 6 Month from When?. If it is a blanket 6 month from now, then when/if "normality" occurs there is going to be a Massive backlog. If, however it is 6 month extension of the current MOT, then that will not be any issue? further along.


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Had the Golf and the Vitesse done earlier this month. But not, now, planning to use the Vitesse and the Golf only for essential shopping.

I agree with PeterH there could be a back log at the end of the 6 months, from 30th March, if its not a running/rolling extension. Both my other cars will be in this period.


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Over here we park outside until called forward, the owner activates lights, horn, wipers etc then shifts to the passenger side and the examiner takes over for brakes etc; once that's done the owner goes to a sin-bin and waits while the suspension, steering and underside are checked on a ramp before the car is driven outside and we're handed the good or bad news.

I can see that having changed; there's no way the examiner will get into the close confines of a car with the driver, dozens of times a day. The examiner will now probably pick the car up outside the test centre and take it all the way through by himself, in which case all of the little tricks like wiggling the steering column to get the horn to work will have to be sorted in advance... :(

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19 hours ago, AndyTV8 said:

it is a sensible choice - yes, the MOT-testing stations are open, but this will reduce the number of people who need to enter these businesses thus further-restricting movement (getting the MOT test done is no longer essential)

....... Andy

But turns out off licences are essential😳

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56 minutes ago, johny said:

But turns out off licences are essential😳

Just been out for my allowed constitutional, seem ironmongers are essential.

Saw lots off buses the timetables have never run so well, very light traffic and only one person per bus, the driver.



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21 hours ago, Graham C said:

...and interesting a random nose bleed

Actually nose bleeds are turning out to be a not uncommon symptom, just much less common than/developing later than the most common feaver/dry cough ones so not widely listed (as That would just mean the window lickers of the world would go "I've got a feaver and cough but no nose bleed so it can't be Covid-19 and I'm OK to (go out and spread the virus)."

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