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New unleaded fuel 2021 E10


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good to know its coming ,

but we had the panics of unleaded , the millennium clock and many more 

most fueling problems so far are pretty much all down to crap quality hoses , has anyone had a dissolved float chamber yet or any other definite  current   E5  enthanol derived damage ???promoted by the must have sellers of doom ????

we have years of lead memory which doesnt need exhaust inserts until  recession or work is needed , you dont need addatives , so save £££ and drive while we can 

we will have to deal with any problems when they actually become a problem not  scare mongering 

just some ramblings   



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Yes, it does apply. 

You should alteady have changed all your fuel hoses to R9 or better, apart from that there may be an issue with diaphragms in strombergs and possibly seals in SU's. But it can all be sorted in a few hours and a few quid. Maybe an adjustment to the timing if required too.

Or for the next few years buy suoper unleaded which will remain as it is (I believe)


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18 minutes ago, clive said:

apart from that there may be an issue with diaphragms in strombergs and possibly seals in SU's. But it can all be sorted in a few hours and a few quid.

I think my Heralds should be okay with what I've done so far but as for the GT6, what's the cure for the Strombergs?

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33 minutes ago, Colin Lindsay said:

what's the cure for the Strombergs?

R9 fuel houses then carry on and see what happens to the carb diaphragms etc. It will probably be okay but if not, worst case scenario would be a switch to SUs, or Webers, or EFi, according to personal preference. SUs would needed to be Dolly Sprint short dash pot HS6 for a GT6, to fit under the bonnet.

There's been too much scaremongering about changes in petrol composition since the great unleaded panic 20 years ago. And the media are at it again over E10.

Keep calm and keep driving Triumphs!


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i cant see stromberg diaphragms being seriuosly affected they are not in a higly fueled  zone in fact they are more affected dashpot oils used especially as a wash i petrol will remove any 

baggy wrinkles if they were fuel washed they would stay the right shape  

I have some gates baricade ready to fit but the original 1974 hoses on the 2000  are remarkably sound , ,obviously made to a specification that resists fuel and backs up most fueling problems come from the crap that has been sold over the years that has no specific specification just cheap crap made for profit 

( they will be changed when there are any signs of degrading but till then  Im happy to wait and see,   its just on  a to do list ),


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will also need t,richen up yer mixture,

as wid the 10% stuff it,ll run leaner, so adding t,ex valves woes even moer so.


I can see the diff when I bung in the 5% stuff, cos there no Supaplus or what ever its called wid nin in it at some stations

ECU is adding moer fuel at idle ,   which is where  I only use the feed back loop

and cos im already v v lean on cruise, up to TPS 5-7  { L1 is adding 20-25% at thee,s sites if used or check,n  } it falters an jerkyness sets in under 10% load, so gotta dial in  moer fuel  for whole range in one go, easy wid an ECU, but no so wid carbs


So, some thing ye need to watch oot for, running weak wid  E10 ,or moer.



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9 hours ago, Colin Lindsay said:

I hope someone comes up with a better solution  than 'bin the carbs'... 

Keep yer carb bodies, an fit some injectors in em, or in  the mani, an run EFI, !!!

there systems oot there noo thats doo,n this.

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19 minutes ago, GT6M said:

Keep yer carb bodies, an fit some injectors in em, or in  the mani, an run EFI, !!!

there systems oot there noo thats doo,n this.

No doubt there are, and there are replacement modern engines too, and all sorts of modern electronic stuff in which I have absolutely no interest. The real challenge is finding a solution that enables cars to keep their original parts as far as possible and operate as originally intended, and I doubt if the entire Classic movement will just bin their carbs and all fit Efi, so the solution is out there and I hope those in the know are working on it.


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25 minutes ago, Colin Lindsay said:

No doubt there are, and there are replacement modern engines too, and all sorts of modern electronic stuff in which I have absolutely no interest. The real challenge is finding a solution that enables cars to keep their original parts as far as possible and operate as originally intended, and I doubt if the entire Classic movement will just bin their carbs and all fit Efi, so the solution is out there and I hope those in the know are working on it.


They will be fitting electric motors..... give it a few years. 

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15 hours ago, thescrapman said:

I am sure I read recently that E10 may not appear as quick as suggested due to an inability to produce enough ethanol at a viable price.

producing it requires raw materials needed for more important things or something like that


 sugar or something that can convert to sugar.
I make ethanol all the time. Too good to waste in the engine, I drink it.
Cheap to make with a T500 still.


I periodically add alcohol to my fuel when I see it cheap or on special. Good stuff to prevent corrosion in my fuel tank. E10- bring it on.




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