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Rev counter.


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Mine stopped working the other week. 
tapping it brought it back to life sometimes. But then completely failed. 
Had a look today whilst the car was out and the Earth had fallen off. I did take the Rev counter out  - and dropped one of the nurled nuts somewhere. I’d hoped it would fall out but no such luck yet. Still I’ve to take the mom in law back home later so that might shake jt out. 

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4 minutes ago, Anglefire said:

  - and dropped one of the nurled nuts somewhere. I’d hoped it would fall out but no such luck yet. Still I’ve to take the mom in law back home later so that might shake jt out. 

I dropped one at the back of the dash for the speedo. Spent ages looking for it without success. Months later changing the voltage stabiliser, there it was as obvious as anything! 

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Yes Ive just gone the electronic route but very (too) cheaply by getting just an individual chip for a quid or so and soldering connections on to it. This has worked   but Im not very happy with the installation as the wiring puts too much force on the tails so I'll probably have to spend a bit more to get something more robust😤 

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I managed to build the electronic chip version into the case of a defunct stabiliser. I must admit that I've not fitted it yet. On the list after the garden, house jobs etc etc, so I don't even know if it works properly. I have a vague recollection of attaching it to a battery and getting 10.something volts delivered from it so it might be ok. I might even have Blue Peter photos of how I did it somewhere. At the moment it's just one that I made earlier!!

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Jonny, it was 7 years ago! But this is something like it, you have to bolt this one to earth. Mine has 3 wires and is thinner and very light.

This listing you can input your car and it tells you if it’s suitable.



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The one I got is an LM7810C which is 10 volt, not 10.5volt, but I'm sure that when I put it on the meter it wasn't that far short. Got mine off fleabay a couple of years ago. A current link for a similar chip is..


L7810 is also available...


I have no idea if there is a difference. No doubt someone with greater knowledge than me will advise.

And yes, I did bolt the heat sink to the original unit case. Must try it again before I fit it. I have no idea if the 0.5volt shortage will make a difference, but I'm sure that I got the reference from a post here by Doug, but the link he posted then is now sadly not available.

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7 hours ago, postman said:

I have just replaced my defunct voltage stabiliser with a new old fashioned type.I wasn't aware there is a modern alternative. What is the advantage with the electronic ones ?

The original type work by feeding 12v, then breaking the circuit, then 12v, so over a period the average is 10V. The electronic ones just give a constant 10V output, and cost a pound or less for the actual component. However, I think the electronic chip ideally needs  couple of extra (very cheap) components to work as it should, not sure if all the ones sold on ebay etc have those. But they all seem to work OK.

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O/E Voltage stabilisters, usually based on a bi-metal strip rapidly opening and closing, (crude description). Electronics are largely based on a dedicated "chip".  You can get a "thermal paste" of the type used to set CPU`s to the heat sink in computers, which should help with keeping the device cool.


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Yes when you look inside the original type they are very crude with a heater element and bimetalic strip so the average voltage produced is dependant on the load. In our cars with the standard set up this isnt a problem and mine has lasted 50 years which isnt bad👍  

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Ohh Maplins. My favourite store in times gone by. How I miss wandering around looking at all those kits that I could never get to work, all those cheap amps and pa kit. Got a wonderful pa amp, double stereo (switchable front/rear or both). Packed up after 15 years of being knocked about. So heavy that the shelf it ended up on needed reinforcement...happy days.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My 3 amp Rated 12V stabiliser, for the PAS, just dropped on the mat, (well it did after the dog had savaged it) 9pm at night!. White Van Man is still working. Looks the business?. So I`ll try it out Maybe tomorow.




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On 26/04/2021 at 09:21, Badwolf said:

Ohh Maplins. My favourite store in times gone by. How I miss wandering around looking at all those kits that I could never get to work, all those cheap amps and pa kit. Got a wonderful pa amp, double stereo (switchable front/rear or both). Packed up after 15 years of being knocked about. So heavy that the shelf it ended up on needed reinforcement...happy days.

I remember going to Southend to Maplins (well Westcliffe on Sea) to buy bits and bobs, also Hammersmith branch.

Still have my catalogue with the Spaceship on it somewhere.

It all went wrong for them when they tried to branch out away from their original customer base, and opened loads of branches in expensive locations.

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 It's odd when you're looking at something and a word or phrase seems to jump off the page...  Westcliffe on Sea features in the history of my Spitfire, namely the Southend Motor and Aero Co. Ltd. I've never been able to find any information or photos of it unfortunately but would love to be able to see what it was like. 

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