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Everything posted by Anglefire

  1. I used to have cats as a kid - but after I moved away to go to poly whenever I came home I would end up sneezing and wheezing. Not had a pet since - and when my parents bought a new cat used to have to keep visits to a very short duration. Shame as I do like them.
  2. The clutch one is easy to get to - not so the brake. And the bolts on mine are ruddy tight so removing it without taking off the brake lines and putting the lot in a vice.
  3. Colin, I know where you are coming from - but when you are 7000' up a mountain and the thing throws a wobbly, its very handy to have! Plus I sold it on when I sold the car and got and significant amount back! It would be wrong to call it a code reader too - it did much more than that, including recalibration of the height sensors, and several modifications that the dealer software couldn't do (Or at least was locked out from being done!)
  4. John, the manufactures have to make available some of the ECU's and some of the codes - but not all. VW Group are pretty open. Ford aren't. When I had a Land Rover Discovery 3 (Largely Ford), I bought a very sophisticated code reader/programmer - wasn't cheap around £350 - but saved me a fortune and allowed me to update the ECU's to the latest version. My BMW has a code reader from Carly - the software is free, the dongle was about £100 - but is not as powerful as the LR one I had - but to be fair good enough 99% of the time - it allowed me to disable stop start from being enabled - which was worth the money on its own! (A positively dangerous feature on an automatic in my opinion!) https://www.mycarly.com/product/bmw-app/ is the one I have and supports the Mini - shame I'm not nearer as I could plug in!
  5. I've had it confirmed from the shop that they are 5/16 UNF as original. Must just be a bit tight with the powered coating and welding process. I have a tap so I'll run that down the threads.
  6. Got some new 5/16” bolts and they don’t fit either. I’ve not had chance to ring the shop yet. I might get some time tomorrow but work (yes I know it’s a four letter word) is a bit hectic- especially as I’m off next week so have a load of stuff to get done this week
  7. My dad still uses horse glue when he restores antiques - I think it’s bones in general and not just the hooves. But is water soluble and not good for exterior use.
  8. Mines slightly out - and it's got more grunt lower down, which is fine for my style of driving.
  9. Iain, as another Controls engineer (Not automation/process but Building Management) I'm interesting in what you are using for your HMI. I'm also a lapsed licenced HAM (G7KOO) - which I really must get sorted especially as its free these days!
  10. Gully, I have a spring lifter you can borrow - I'm going to be down your way in the next few weeks (Stevenage and Ware) so could drop it in - If you would like it sooner, I can get it to my Sisters at the weekend in Leighton Buzzard.
  11. I like that idea - though my retirement date is still about 15years away.
  12. I fly back from the states that day shame as it would be a good day.
  13. Thanks Pete - I bought new bracket to bulkhead bolts - but forgot to order the cylinder to bracket bolts - but have bought a selection of UNF bolts - though not sure they are 24UNF unless that is the standard thread?
  14. On the basis that the Club shop is now shut, I thought I'd ask here! I bought some new brackets for the Master cylinders from the Club shop and thought I'd have a look at changing them tonight whilst the bakeoff was on. Clutch came off easy enough - I have a bag of UNF bolts and thought I would replace the ones holding the cylinder onto the bracket - and can't find the right size one - even the originals won't go in. ? They go about halfway in and then go tight. I've tried some metric bolts and they are worse. It might just be that the nut is slightly distorted from being welded - but don't want to wreck them without being sure of the size! Oh and this is for a Spitfire 1500.
  15. I forget the size but you can get them pre-made up (or you can for the spitfire!) other than that something like a 25mm2 welding cable would be suitable. Welding cable because it’s flexible and takes some decent current. You would have to fit a lug on the one end to the bell housing and a battery clamp to the other. Unless you have the right kit to make off the cables properly, I would suggest getting premade.
  16. I think it is a brilliant idea - just didn't work for me this time - next time hopefully!
  17. Ah - that makes more sense now! I've never been on that one!
  18. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to dip out of this one. I just have too many other things going on Have a good day though and big thanks to Pete and Ray for organising it - as well as Angie and Bernie - I will try and get to the next one!
  19. I'm not really sure what you mean if I'm honest - I haven't been here that long (a year?) and can't say I've seen anything untoward - the odd spat perhaps but nothing you wouldn't expect with so many different people and views.
  20. And the pre-engaged starters are like hens teeth - or at least the one that was fitted to mine (and failed) was a pain to sort. I did get one sorted but they powermaster(?) fitted a different gear to sort it out (can’t faukt the service) so when I swapped engine I also swapped the flywheel to keep the new starter!
  21. What I don't know is what the top nut torque should be? I'm guessing not a fat lot as it has rubber mounts around it and a locking nut. And once on the car only has to control the weight of the unsprung weight?
  22. I’ve now got a set of spring compressors from the Club Shop and thought I would assemble the front struts. Once I’d actually got the bushes in the right place, they are quite easy to do.
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