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Everything posted by Gully

  1. Thanks for the tip - might see if I can pick one of those up. I suspect my 20 year old one wouldn't be of much use in an emergency, unless I needed to break a window! Gully
  2. I bought the standard rocker shaft from Moss for my GT6 - set up sounds identical. (Same part number for the TR5). Gully
  3. Bought a Vizibleed a couple of years ago - sat in the shed for just over a year before I used it, whereupon the valve failed. Replaced it with a simple Sealey Brake Bleeding Bottle, which has been great. Gully
  4. Did you check the pump output on the starter, squirting the fuel into a bottle? Gully
  5. Yes - one of the positions is at around 11 o'clock on the left hand valve in the picture above. Gully
  6. Depends on how rapidly you want / need to charge the vehicle. One of the developments I worked on recently had a requirement for bollard-based chargers (no allocated parking) - depending on the speed of the charging points, we either needed to spend £100k on a new substation, or not. The slower charge points were decided upon by our client... Gully
  7. I had exactly the problem Nick has described, although without spongy brakes - just a long pedal. Rectified a few months ago in the way Nick has suggested and not noticed the pedal growing longer as the pads wear, but I'm very light on brake pads anyway, often doing 50k on a set on the modern, which is 20 years for the GT6! Gully
  8. Gully

    Mann Egerton

    They held their Radlett dealership for years until the mid 1990s - they were a Vauxhall garage by then and used to service my variety of Nova, Corsa and Astra company cars. Gully
  9. I changed an engine mount on my GT6 last Friday (cured my clutch judder in reverse!) - you may find it easier to support the engine centrally and remove the four bolts from the plate attached to the engine that the mountings attach to. That will allow vertical engine movement without the mount fouling on the turret. I'd replaced the mount altogether and alignment was tricky afterwards, so I loosened all the bolts to reassemble, then tightened in the sequence of 4 engine plate bolts first, 2 mounting to turret bolts, then finally levered the engine sufficiently to slot in the mount shims and tightened the 2 mount to plate bolts. Gully
  10. I suspect back problems and the GT6 driving position go together - the pedal offset still irritates my lower back after a long run even with refurbished seats. Gully
  11. The short lengths of fuel hose connecting the steel pipe sections under the bonnet of my GT6 are the same material as Citybreeze has photographed. I check them regularly, but they've never discoloured or deformed in any way. That said, I always use a fuel additive with an anti-ethanol property, so that may be protecting them. Gully
  12. I bought a replacement Smiths valve diaphragm from Canleys late last year - was just about large enough to seal. Quality and fit certainly not as good as the one I removed, but it also didn't have a split in it! Just had to locate it carefully. I first noticed the fault when the idle tick over increased by around 100 rpm - dropped back to normal as soon as I replaced the diaphragm. Placing a finger over the equalisation hole stopped the hissing noise it was making and dropped the tick over, which pointed me towards the diaphragm fault. Gully
  13. Must admit it's not behaviour I've come across at any of the shows I've been to, although that's not to say it hasn't occurred. Maybe having a hardtop makes the difference. Only precaution I ever take is lowering the aerial to avoid requiring a period coat hanger accessory! Gully
  14. Purely the camera (iPad) angle - I can assure you it is! ??? Gully
  15. No - Clive is absolutely correct: radial arrangement of the slot heads. Just like mine... Who mentioned OCD?! ? Gully
  16. I used Peter Taylor for my insurance for the first couple of years I had the GT6 - it was on an agreed value basis with the insurer, but the value was pegged lower than the TSSC valuation bands (particularly in the 2nd year), which was my trigger to shift into the realm of TSSC agreed value insurance with Peter James. Better terms too (esp. unlimited mileage and commuting). Gully
  17. I generally squirt on some brake cleaner and wipe it off. Works on block paving anyway! Gully
  18. A chunk of the Spanish toll roads were built on an investment / return basis (effectively PFI), with UK listed John Laing Investments owning a substantial proportion of them. Not sure if they still 'own' them now, but when I worked for the JL construction business 20 years ago it always amused me how much of the group's profit derived from the toll roads - not actually building! Gully
  19. Stunning! All you're doing is reinforcing my need to visit ? Thank you for taking the time to share your photos, Gully
  20. The wiper contact numbers match my GT6! I think it's easier to get one's head around the hazard switch if you realise it actually isolates the column switch when activated and the indicators themselves in hazards mode are powered via the purple circuit as opposed to the green (which operates the independent indicators). Gully
  21. The Moto-lita on mine is slightly over the 14" and flat. Having had to shuffle the GT6 around the car park at the local meet last night, I really wouldn't want to go smaller with 175/70 tyres! Gully
  22. Just the ticket for polishing that oil gun of yours! ? Gully
  23. If you do decide to go down the MOT check route, I can suggest speaking with Martin at Henlow Car Centre - he knows his classics. Gully
  24. Ditto - and they don't take up as much room as Doug's monster! My Dad bought one of them back in the 1960s for his Morris 1000 and I picked up the second one from the autojumble at Luton Transport Festival 3 or 4 years ago. Gully
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