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Everything posted by Gully

  1. I bought 2 GTR108 senders last year when trying to resolve an odd temperature indication - one from eBay and the other from Canleys. Both gave the same readings - 1 had a red plastic isolator (think it was the Canleys one) and the other a black isolator. Both had the same thread, but whilst the black isolator one was the same hex to screw it in (my Whitworth spanner fitted perfectly!), the Canley sender required a smaller spanner. The moral of the story is that there is more than one supplier out there and the senders do vary in sizing. Rimmers do occasionally have thread issues - I bought some polyurethane bonnet cones which had a metric thread and wouldn't screw into the captive plates. They refunded them. Gully
  2. That's all we rotoflex owners need - shimmed front bearings as well as rear! ?? Gully
  3. Also check that your radiator cap is actually seating on the inner seal and allowing the system to pressurise. I bought 3 different caps before I finally found one deep enough to seat properly. If only the top seal works, the water quickly expands into the overflow bottle. Gully
  4. "Splendid": now there's a word that's fallen into disuse. Shame really, as I'm heartily sick of everything being "amazing"... Gully
  5. I've been following on FB - great endeavour! Gully
  6. I had a pint in there a few weeks ago following our youth group's meeting at the Harpenden Trust halls in Southdown. ? Gully
  7. I'm afraid you're asking the wrong person as it's not a change I'd make. I'm certain there are some threads on here where people have fitted them though - along with details of the necessary pressure regulators. Gully
  8. Hi Gav, I suspect the end float wasn't set correctly, but can't be certain. The failed bearings were Timken parts - so would expect to be of reasonable quality - but were rumbling noisily! Gully
  9. The chap who established Classics on the Common decided a few years ago it had become too large and stepped down, then establishing Classics in the Walled Garden at Luton Hoo, which is a great evening. Sadly, this clashed with something else I had planned this year so I missed out, but that evening has a lovely atmosphere and no traffic issues! Gully
  10. After I had new CV shafts fitted by a reasonably local 'expert' in place of the rotoflex ones, the new off side wheel bearing lasted 18 months... Hope you have more luck! Gully
  11. I know a fair number of people do it, but it always seems to me to be an upgrade for the sake of it unless the plan is to run a triple carburettor or injection set up. Gully
  12. That really is a cracking photo - composition and exposure. The car really 'pops'! ? Gully
  13. To be fair to Rimmers, item 3 on their label states 'check all contents / parts if possible, if you are unable to do this, mark the delivery note "contents not checked" before signing'. Sadly, companies have to protect themselves from unscrupulous customers who abuse returns policies. Gully
  14. I've bought a couple of sets of Trico NOS curved screen blades and NOS Trico refill blades off eBay. They work well. Certainly better than the rubbish Tex ones that are on the car at the moment as a temporary fit whilst I hold off baking the refill blades in this weather! Gully
  15. I replaced the diaphragm on my pump without removing the body from the block - simple enough job. I chose not to replace the valves as they were fine. The diaphragm unlatches by pushing down and turning 90 degrees. Reinstallation is the reverse, then align with the nearest screw holes (6 of them IIRC). Keep checking the diaphragm moves within the pump body without catching as you tighten the screws by activating it with the priming lever. I did buy a new pump just in case, but have heard too many stories about output pressures being too high and springs being too strong and damaging the lobe of the activating cam, so didn't use it. Gully
  16. Gully


    There's a banner up along the Luton airport perimeter road stating that GKN Engineering is looking for staff - might be worth a look online. Gully
  17. Glad there was a good turnout. I'd planned on coming along, but got sidetracked with the 'shine' bit ready for Silverstone on Friday and time got away from me! Gully
  18. It's always worth asking Uncle Pete what oil to use in the dash pots! ? Gully
  19. Inspirational stuff, Roger - thank you for sharing! Just need my 7 (nearly 8) year old to grow up to the point of responsibility or go to Uni, or borrow someone else's wife to go with! ? Gully
  20. Was speaking with my sister in law's husband at the weekend - he's a research professor in energy. Apparently the car manufacturers and official testers have woken up to the fact that hybrid vehicles only offer environmental benefits in very narrow circumstances - most of the time they're no better than the underlying petrol or diesel vehicle. At least one manufacturer has currently paused production for this reason. Supposedly, all-electric is the only way forward, but nobody has an answer as to who will pay for the infrastructure, how damaging to the environment producing all those batteries will be, whether any common standard is emerging for batteries and (the big question) where all the electricity is going to come from if we don't surround the country with windmills and cover all our green spaces with solar PVs. Gully
  21. Must be a different design to the Autolock version I have in the shed - there's insufficient gap between the handbrake and gear lever in my GT6 to use it, even in 1st or 3rd. I use a disklock instead. Gully
  22. No sign of the fire extinguishers in Stevenage Aldi ? Gully
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