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Hello from Paula and her Vitesse

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at the end of the day a 4 sync  box is a better beast to throw  money at a 3 sync is still used on heralds and early spits but  wont have the 1600 input shaft   400 is having a laugh   

look up the price for a refurb from eg td fitchetts   around £475

not a heap of rust  at 400 ish    crackers !!!!

" get mine rebuilt "  have you worn it out already  ???? 

your d type OD will fit onto a 4 sync  box so ong as it has a OD mainshaft  eg tkc923 or similar 

that woud be the way to go ...next time 



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I come from the Ulster-Scots tradition, but even their dialect / language, referred to as 'Ullans' makes no sense to read, unless you either read it out loud, or are very drunk.

Here's an excerpt from Alice in Wonderland or as they call it, 'Alices Carrants in Wunnerlan':

The Caterpillar an Alice lukt at ither fur a quare while wi’oot taakin: finally the Caterpillar tuk the hookah oot o its mooth, an spoke tae hir in a languid, dozy voice.
“Wha ir yae?” said the Caterpillar.
This wusnae a pooerfu guid openin fur a yarn. Alice answert brev an baakwardly, “A—A harly know, Sir, jest at this minute—at least A know wha A wus this moarnin, but heth, A hae bin changed a wheen o times since thin.”
“What dae yae mean bae that?” said the Caterpillar sternly. “Explain yersel!”
“A cannae explain maesel, A’m feart, Sir,” said Alice, “baecaas A’m naw maesel, yae see.”
“A dinnae see,” said the Caterpillar.
“A cannae mak it onie mair clear,” Alice answer, while polite, “fur A cannae unnerstan it maesel tae stairt wi; an baein sae monie different sizes in yin dae haes turnt mae heid.”
Sometimes it can make a washing machine instruction booklet appear very simple in comparison.
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6 hours ago, Pete Lewis said:


" get mine rebuilt "  have you worn it out already  ???? 



Nooooo It's all lovely!
I just remember you saying get one. Looks like i might have got the wrong one. I'll put it with the other bits. 😆

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