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1 hour ago, Colin Lindsay said:

This one subtle enough, Tony?

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Four hours down and an aching back, I've stopped for lunch. Three bolts out but the fourth.... what a bu$$er. Still hasn't moved and has broken all of my 10mm impact sockets and Allen keys. Will now have to wait until the Autofactors opens on Monday to get more.


That is on the subtle scale Colin, at least they are moving :)  Have you tried an impact screwdriver with sockets and allen key combo? Just need someone brave enough to hold it while you hit it..... Worked for me now and again.


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Bejesus, Colin, what else did you try, apart from subtle brute force?     To BREAK impact sockets!  Wow!

Heat, penetrating oil?   How about cutting the nut in half?   An air driven hacksaw, or else just a grinder.    That will remove some of the stud, but I think you'll need a new one anyway.

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15 hours ago, JohnD said:

Bejesus, Colin, what else did you try, apart from subtle brute force?     To BREAK impact sockets!  Wow!

Heat, penetrating oil?   How about cutting the nut in half?   An air driven hacksaw, or else just a grinder.    That will remove some of the stud, but I think you'll need a new one anyway.

Those were broken by the impact wrench. I used heat, almost glowing red, then cool for half an hour, then lots of penetrating oil, then impact again, then repeat. The head of the last bolt is still sound so I'm very reluctant to damage it while the Allen-key bit still grips. I'll buy two new 10mm socket bits tomorrow - to be sure! - then try again. As the other three are already out, if this one shears then I can remove the backplate and drill it out, but that's a last resort. By the way I've ordered Innotec but it's not arrived yet, after five days or more, so it may get here tomorrow and that'll be more assistance. Maybe I should have paid more for postage? (bought it from your link on eBay which had free postage, this one below was Amazon....)



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Ah!   The sledge was just a threat, then!

Those cap heads - they go into threaded holes in a block, do they?  No nut on the back?    You don't want to cut the head off then.

Maintained torque might win over momentary,    How about welding one of your new impact sockets to a scaffold bar, to save your breaker bar?  And hang on it.  200lbs at 6 ft is 1200lbs-ft!

But try to tighten the joint first, and then apply alternate directions.  And do so while unscrewing it, like using a tap.    And if it starts to screech, STOP!   It may be about to seize and shatter!   Go back and relubricate or else ease the thread by alternate motion.

Meanwhile, before the Innotec arrives, candlewax on the heated bolt?

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7 minutes ago, JohnD said:

Ah!   The sledge was just a threat, then!

Those cap heads - they go into threaded holes in a block, do they?  No nut on the back?   

Yes, no nut - the new backplate comes with four brand new bolts so I don't need to save or reuse the old ones. The sledge was used as per Tony's recommendation, a few judicious taps which made a lot of noise and dislodged a lot of rust.

The impact wrench was alternated between forward / backward / tighten / loosen for maybe five seconds at a time then held in place for minutes until my entire arms vibrated, and as you can see the sockets gave before the nut did. One huge industrial allen key snapped when I tried to apply torque by inserting it into the nut then jacking it up on a scissor jack, so that the whole weight of the trailer was resting on it; I was hoping to return an hour later to find it had settled but instead it went with a huge bang. It won't defeat me! Can't do it today - village as quiet as any plague-ridden ghost town on Sundays, so they'd all raise disapproving eyebrows if I started things up today, so will have to wait until tomorrow. A bit of sneaky heat-application should go unnoticed, though.


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5 hours ago, poppyman said:

Will you be doing the other three backplates as a precaution Colin?  :) 


Oooooh... could be a can of worms, Tony.... this is the second one I replaced the brakes on, the other side was undamaged so only needed shoes and springs. Assuming the same ratio for the front two I'll need to replace one; that's £50 for the backplate and another £40 for shoes. These things are eating into my Triumph money.

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1 hour ago, Colin Lindsay said:

Oooooh... could be a can of worms, Tony.... this is the second one I replaced the brakes on, the other side was undamaged so only needed shoes and springs. Assuming the same ratio for the front two I'll need to replace one; that's £50 for the backplate and another £40 for shoes. These things are eating into my Triumph money.

We can't have that Colin can we? Can't the horse walk where it's going...... :)

Bloody expensive things horse's, my neighbour  has just had one put down :(  £800 for cremation........


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I thought the horse was the wif's so shouldn't the trailer expenses come out of her clothing allowance!

Good luck with that?

My wife hasn't been out for clothing shopping for 6 months due to Covid she's amassed a small fortune for the ultimate Beeno! She'll probably blow it all on a handbag, I just don't get it how many does she need, her response to my grumblings is to walk me out to the garage, enough said!

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I have two to contend with - wife and daughter. The way things are done these days is to have about twenty items delivered to the door daily - Asos, Hermes, Topshop, Miss Selfridge and all sorts of trendy names, then try them on, don't like them, and leave them for me to return via the Post Office. It costs them absolutely nothing but I think the Post Office counter staff think I'm a secret cross-dresser. 

Couldn't we do that with Triumphs? Uprated brake pads, wider tyres, adjustable suspension, brighter bulbs... try them on, don't like them, return them at no cost whatsoever.

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This is the best, my great aunt in Florida married her boss my dads uncle. She used to boast she always won at the races she bet on all the horses she Pocketed the winnings he had to cover all the bets, he could afford it!

unfortunately there both dead now but they were a riot when I was working in Canada and the States late 60’s early 70’s I’d fly down every second weekend by cadging a lift.

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37 minutes ago, Colin Lindsay said:

I have two to contend with - wife and daughter. The way things are done these days is to have about twenty items delivered to the door daily - Asos, Hermes, Topshop, Miss Selfridge and all sorts of trendy names, then try them on, don't like them, and leave them for me to return via the Post Office. It costs them absolutely nothing but I think the Post Office counter staff think I'm a secret cross-dresser. 

Couldn't we do that with Triumphs? Uprated brake pads, wider tyres, adjustable suspension, brighter bulbs... try them on, don't like them, return them at no cost whatsoever.

I would stick to wearing your wife's clothes Colin.... Until she catches you of course. :) Got to be cheaper than Triumph bits.


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4 hours ago, Peter Truman said:

This is the best, my great aunt in Florida married her boss my dads uncle. She used to boast she always won at the races she bet on all the horses she Pocketed the winnings he had to cover all the bets, he could afford it!

unfortunately there both dead now but they were a riot when I was working in Canada and the States late 60’s early 70’s I’d fly down every second weekend by cadging a lift.

Many years ago we went into the casino in Monaco. Wife borrowed a franc played a machine and won ten. She decided to leave while ahead. Did I get my franc back, like heck! 🤬

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Told you it wouldn't defeat me! Had to buy another two sockets - second one, just in case - and it still took almost four hours of battering, oiling, heating and hammering. When it finally moved, from the colour of the threads it looks like someone has used a permanent threadlock on it; the other three were black. Backplate replaced and brakes now on, that part took twenty minutes at most. I'm going to take a long break before I check the front pair.

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