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Everything posted by Gully

  1. Worth noting that the other benefit of the fuel additive is the anti ethanol ingredient. Not simply octane boost and lead replacement. Nice pink plugs too 😄 Gully
  2. Yep - that's my world! I have the OE calipers, but no OE seals and hadn't thought to refurbish them on the basis that the new seals would probably just render them the same as the re-manufactured calipers with new seals. Gully
  3. As noted above, some of the new calipers have poor seals that don't allow the Pistons to self-adjust fully and pull back when released, giving longer pedal travel. I've had to pull the pads out of my calipers on a couple of occasions now to pump the Pistons out slightly - rectifies the problem until the pads wear a little more. Gully
  4. Had to carry out an emergency stop in the GT6 weekend before last when a car decided to turn right across my lane without looking - nothing wrong with the standard set up if it's in good fettle! Gully
  5. I'll watch from a chairlift if you stream video of the day! 😀 Gully
  6. 🙁 Will be my first miss, unfortunately. I'll be in the Alps... Gully
  7. Welcome aboard. Now that's a true barn find! Good luck with it - hope you find time to post lots of progress photos! Gully
  8. There should be a top hat washer over the top of the Spring. It's not in the repair kits, but if you look at the parts diagram on Canleys site you can buy them separately. Their dished washers are metal too when bought by themselves. Gully
  9. Robsport fitted my CV conversion, including new bearings. From recollection, the CV shafts / joints were supplied via TR-GB. I suspect the bearing that failed was pre-loaded as even in its rough running state there was no sign of end float before disassembly. Gully
  10. They salted/gritted the roads here twice last week - 15g first night, 8g the second. The roads were dry when treated and have been ever since. There's no sign of tracks on the road and none of the vehicles have the tell-tale white tyres they get when there's a lot of salt on the surface. I went up to Northampton and back this morning in the GT6 via the A507 and M1 and no sign of any salt on it when I reached home. What I always avoid is wet, salty roads - the brine can get in anywhere and no amount of washing / wiping is likely to shift it! Gully
  11. Andy Cook covered it in Courier 417 - March 2015. I can scan and email if of use? Gully
  12. Used the GT6 today for a pleasant run up to Bedford and back from Hitchin - only downside was yet another stretch of road with a reduced speed limit for no apparent reason alongside the Cardington hangars. I suspect more houses will be springing up soon... Would have been out in the car more over the Christmas period if I hadn't been 120 miles away from it! Happy New Year everyone! Gully
  13. Great update and excellent progress! Fully agree on the front spoiler - really don't like them; especially when left black. Have a happy and healthy 2019 - good luck with the offside! Gully
  14. One of the Peugeot brochures my Dad had a few years ago clearly stated that they could not supply a particular model with both sun roof and spare wheel as the combination of the two would take the vehicle as supplied into a different emissions bracket. However, the spare wheels were available as an after market accessory... Gully
  15. Welcome aboard! Lovely looking TR6. Gully
  16. I know many people tuck their cars away for the winter, but I'm sure there's many who do not, given the attendance at New Year's Day meets and the January Bicester Scramble in this part of the world. Hence I thought I'd start a topic for those of us who use our cars all year round to share news of our outings. I took the GT6 out today. Lovely dry roads washed clean of salt by the recent rain, and a cracking sunset with a flock of starlings wheeling and diving over Oughtonhead Common as we arrived home! Only around 25 miles - Jessica (8 year old daughter) and I headed from Hitchin down the Codicote Road to Welwyn Village, then up to the Vauxhall dealers at Knebworth to collect a new mirror case for Mrs Gully, who had a mirror clash with someone a couple of weeks ago. Then back to Welwyn and a quick blast up the A1(M) to Stevenage north exit and a visit to the Wyvale garden centre for a voucher. Back to Hitchin via Graveley, Great Wymondley and Willian. Cobwebs removed from the past 10 days of being static! Gully
  17. Seem to recall one of the GT6 contingent on here having an issue with water ingress via the heater: bonnet intake to footwell vents. Not sure if the Herald may suffer similarly? Gully
  18. Before touching the body bolts I would measure the distance between the wheel centres on each side of the car and compare the separation - that should tell you if it's the body position or hub. The latter is certainly easily adjusted via the tie rods on rotoflex GT6s. I'm certain Pete will be along soon with general tracking checking advice. Gully
  19. Gully

    head gaskets

    It was Germany, which is understandable given the autobahns. That said, I guess the German models could easily have turned up in Switzerland too! Having driven a 3.27 with OD for a while, I'm glad I changed my diff for a 3.63 (which is built into the 6 hole case of my 3.27 - hence the importance of counting turns to see what you have!). Gully
  20. If you email the Nothants AO (Nigel Hawes) I'm sure he will furnish you with it. It's normally only in the Courier as opposed to here or on the Facebook group (where he asks for PM contact). Gully
  21. The engine mounts don't generally break - the metal and rubber separate and you get clutch judder (or that's how mine manifested). The engine won't drop as the V shape they're held in keeps them in place. Easiest thing to do is lever the engine with a pry bar and see if the mount separates. Gully
  22. Welcome aboard! That's some transformation - well done - and a great blue. Looking forward to more photos! Gully
  23. What always surprises me about that table (and the GT6 workshop manual) is the amount of positive camber for the front. Not convinced that with wider, modern radials that's ideal. Always looks a bit much anyway - been thinking about reducing on mine for about 5 years! Gully
  24. I can see every other thread's photos on my iPad except this one! Gully
  25. Passenger side always demists more quickly on my car too - I can feel there's more airflow that side when the blowers are on full. Never bothered to investigate as the windscreen is so close it's easy to use a demister pad! Gully
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