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Pimp my Vit

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Well Kevin I was to offer support to a member who was about to embark on a substantial road trip that passes my door, if he needed emergency repair facilities on route I was happy to help out. I didn't ask if he was a member of your club or not I was happy to help a fellow Triumph owner, so if you think stopping someone from offering help on a harmless 'Out and About in my Car' thread is offering something extra to your members I think you have got it spectacularly wrong.

I chose not to join a club (any club) but I am very willing to help other owners out wherever I can.

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10 hours ago, Pimp my Vit said:

I am very willing to help other owners out wherever I can.

Very commendable attitude.

I think until we learn what is open to guests and only available to members some very well intentioned 'posts' will be lost. The art must be in starting the topic in the correct area? So non members are able to view the members area but not post? Surely the members area should not be viewable by non members? 


Edited by Iain T
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there are always things that fall by the wayside in these sort of changes 

i tend to agree with if you want a full service you join the members who pay for it  ,nothing is free so this change strikes a balance of those that pay and those that dont 

it is the members subscriptions that pay to run and maintain the forum 


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Without this forum I wouldn’t have been able to restore my Vitesse . The info and advice here is invaluable as it’s based on time served hands on experience and you can’t put a price on that .  For me the membership fees are worth it just for the forum though understand others might have different views 


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I agree, have your members only area within the forum but 'spotted' and 'out and about in my car' come on really?

I am active on many forums Porsche/BMW/Audi various old car forums, F1 and football forums none of which require me to be a member, they make money by sponsorship and advertising.

I take that old adage that any club that would have me as a member is not one I want to join!! 😃 my choice, I don't like clubs its not that I am tight or skint its just clubs are not for me.

Not being a member means I miss out on discount parts, the monthly newsletter discount Insurance and club meets etc and I accept that. But to be excluded from an 'out and about in your car' thread!! come on your having a giraffe!!!

Have your secret squirrel area that's fine but make it clear that is for members only to discuss club business and not non club matters such as John D suggested were wrongly put in this section like 'will MX5 seats fit my car'.

I think I make a valid contribution to this forum and have both asked and given advice, works both ways!! I don't really accept that I am freeloading off the backs of the members... 

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56 minutes ago, Paul H said:

The info and advice here is invaluable as it’s based on time served hands on experience and you can’t put a price on that .  For me the membership fees are worth it just for the forum

Same here, living abroad I won't be taking part in any of the events, the club shop won't be of use due to post Brexit changes.

The forum is THE thing in the club for me.

Is there some way of seeing on threads if the subject is in the members only section or in the open areas?

Is there also a problem, as suggested above that is stopping some from seeing some areas open to all?

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Well Brexit has been reduced to a minimum from what I have heard here in Germany. In fact, strangely, shipping and customs fees are sometimes cheaper than buying at local places. It almost looks like they are bending over backwards to get business in the EU.....

Stuff does take longer and sometimes they make you go to the local customs office but for the most part it seems to be going as smoothly as it can.

Mind you, I too would only buy in the UK now if it was at least 10% cheaper or was more readily available. There is just that added risk that if something went wrong getting it set right is just a hair's width more tricky.


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6 hours ago, Pimp my Vit said:

I think I make a valid contribution to this forum and have both asked and given advice, works both ways!! I don't really accept that I am freeloading off the backs of the members... 

I’m rather wary of wading in to this discussion, I’ve had to put up with enough random unconsulted changes to stuff at work recently and don’t have the energy to fight about similar things in my private life. However, we have many forum members including yourself who are not club members and do make very valid and worthwhile contributions. The club management should not be alienating people like yourself and it’ll be extremely sad if that’s the way this ends up :(

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I've been a club member for around 20 years, but living in Australia I don't get to avail myself of club meetings or events been to the club offices twice and Stafford once whilst on holidays. Membership gives me a fantastic magazine the "Courier" and access to 40 years of very comprehensive Courier Technical Articles with a great index, as well as a great Forum supported by all Triumph enthusiasts. My TSSC membership is a lot more expensive than my local Aus club fees, but I don't begrudge them as it supports the continuation of the marque and my love of Triumphs and thro the Forum I get to communicate with like minded enthusiasts/friends, both members and non members, who definitely have great input and I hope they continue. 

I'm a non-financial member of the Triumph Experience Forum from memory this limits the number and size of photo's that I can upload and see, that's my choice & I accept it!

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13 hours ago, dougbgt6 said:

OK I have to say it. Pimp my Vit, DVD3500 and Non Member are free loaders. WE are paying for this site and these guys are taking advantage. 


It all depends on what you want from this forum. If, like me, you come here for information and advice from real experts then people like the 3 you refer to are a really valuable asset, net contributors by any measure. If you come here for banter and to exercise your comedy skills then you're in luck.

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13 hours ago, dougbgt6 said:

OK I have to say it. Pimp my Vit, DVD3500 and Non Member are free loaders. WE are paying for this site and these guys are taking advantage. 


Certainly "non Member" has given lots of very useful contributions to the forum, he has a long history of Triumphs, and I am sure the other have as well, and helped a lot of people out so I dont see then taking advantage or being free loaders just being helpful.
If this is the new attitude of the forum it will time to go elsewhere... 

I accept that its good to have a closed section of the forum but we should keep the rest of it as open as possible.


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Just a quick reminder, the TECHNICAL areas remain OPEN for EVERYONE it’s only a number of the chat areas that have been restricted to TSSC members.

however, a word of warning, “chat” topics that get posted by non TSSC members in any of the Technical areas (including General) will be moved to the correct relevant chat area, which could mean that the OP is no longer able to contribute.

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I think that's me done now, seem us freeloaders are now fair game and suddenly became second class citizens. To be frank the members (maybe even the freeloaders) left a bad taste in my mouth when they bullied Marc Seniac off this forum just because he was a bit enthusiastic and didn't always post Triumph stuff, so he was quite frankly hounded off this site by certain people.

I will continue to look in but will no longer contribute unless Kevin decides to close the whole site to the freeloaders. 

I won't quit as I really enjoy posts by BFG, Colin Lindsay, Pete Lewis, et all but maybe its time to buy a MGB.

Don't worry dougbgt6 I won't let the door hit me on the arse on my way out...

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OK guys, I have to chip in here. Why does any difference of opinion have to deteriorate into silly arguments? I do not have too many years lef to argue and that makes it a waste of time. Surely some polite discussion can resolve this. Maybe (my opinion of course) it was not broken, so why fix it? With hindsight it looks like a thankless task.

All forum user contributors have made it worth while. Perhaps it is to do with it being 'Good Friday'. Something was lost in translation was it not?

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