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What's the correct term to use?


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My GT6 was manufactured in October 1970 but not sold, taxed and insured etc. until 1972. How should I legitimately refer to it ? Should I say it's a1970 or a 1972 car, and, does it matter? I don't want to misrepresent it.



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It could be allsorts. We are now assuming it is one of the first mk3's rather than just a mk2 that nobody wanted owing to the new model.

It could have just been stuck in a showroom? Or even got badly damaged before being registered, and took ages to repair before being sold (it does happen! I remember a chap buying a new sierra that got dropped off a transporter, but hadn't been registered. He repaired it, and then registered it is a brand new car. If it hasn't been registered, it wouldn't get recorded as a write-off)


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The body shell is number 23 and the engine number 83. Gearbox and diff have been replaced. It wasn't despatched from the factory (or released into the sales stream to A G Boyles, Huddersfield) until December 1971.


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Retiring can come as a shock as it happens suddenly, overnight.

I have been (sort of) lucky. I stopped working 6 years ago but wasn't retired - the company I worked for went into liquidation - I took my UK private pension last year so became 1/3 retired. My UK state pension kicked in this year so I moved to 2/3 retired. Next year my French pensions start so I will be 100% retired.

Retire in stages that way you can work up to it. As I tell friends still working - They get weekends off & paid holidays whereas me being retired is a 7 day a week 52 weeks a year thing :P

This year I will be 'officially' old as I will get my invitation to the village old folks meal in November. ?

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I'm coming up on my first year of retirement; I was able to go well in excess of the Gov. pension age thanks to a good (but expensive) pension scheme and to be honest I've no idea how I was able to fit work in among all the other things. I'm out of bed very early most days, doze off about 9 these evenings, and just work or run about like a headless whatever in between.

I still can't get used to it and have the idea in the back of my head that I'm going to be called back in at any time, so need to get things done asap before the free time runs out. 


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I like colin was lucky and had an excellent company pension, I went at 61 after working there for 30 years all my human bits still work ok so I feel very lucky. I didn't think much about retiring before, but we had a good plan to move house and I still have a young family, so the house and family keep me busy, the house is about done now so at last I am getting back on the triumph . I am really enjoying retirement when 5 years ago I didn't think I would. now I don't know how I fitted work in.

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