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Slick 50 engine treatement


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I sometimes wonder if Europe is really going to be as vindictive as the doomsayers seem to make out.  (with the exception of Ireland)

We buy a lot of their cars, at grossly inflated prices. One of the major German manufacturers privately referred to Britain as "profit island" since we paid so much more for their cars than anywhere else in Europe.

We buy a lot of other European produce, with many companies geared to British sale and supply.

We visit other countries a lot and spend a lot of money while abroad, and unlike certain others, we go home again.

I don't think they'll just cut us off flat. We always used to have to have passports, and visas, and medical Insurance, and driving permits, and just because the snowflake generation have realised this means a bit of writing and form filling - oh, the humanity! - it's not the end of the world. Many of these will have to be applied for once, and will last for some years. I don't see starvation, or plague, or the breakdown of society in general.



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13 hours ago, Spitfire6 said:


Humans are the only animals that milk other animals mammary glands & then drinks it. Even calves when grown up stop drinking the stuff.



Foxes.  They will lick cows teets to get some milk.

They can't milk them like we do as they have no thumbs.



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1 hour ago, dougbgt6 said:
1 hour ago, Colin Lindsay said:

I don't think they'll just cut us off

Oh, well, that's all right then.  


No need to cut you off, being an island that is already done. All it needs is a couple of lorry loads of ready mix poured into the tunnel and hey presto!

Both parts of the Europe/UK system have very close ties, commercially, and relie on each other. For example 60% of UK medecines come from the EU and there are many EU medecines made in the UK, so it is in everyone's interest to agree. Mrs May needs an agreement as her treatment for diabetes come from the EU.

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33 minutes ago, dave.vitesse said:

A weather report back in the 1930's stated "Fog In Channel Europe Cut Off" 


Seen that one before, always liked it.

With the cost of travel insurance never seemed sensible to just rely on the EHIC, as to visas there are many none EU contries where British Citizens do not need a visa so will Europe start a tit for tat visa war?.




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I think we have two tiers here: people, and politicians.

The people will continue to agree, and be friendly, and deal happily with each other, same as they've always done. Money is money and business is business.

The politicians will try to prevent it, for their own selfish reasons.

It won't be long until someone starts offering visa-free holidays to boost their own country's tourism, or a relaxation of passport regulations, or cuts a few deals behind backs. THEN, when the EU cuts up and gurns about flouted regulations, they too can start a Brexit process of their own. Watch and see.

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There are countries where we don't need a visa, yes, because in ALL THOSE CASES we have previously negotiated a visa waver agreement. We don't have such an agreement in place with th EU because we are a member of the EU, so it would be meaningless. Further, we cannot currently negotiate such an agreement with the EU because (yes, you guessed it) we are a member of the EU and the EU cannot (legally) negotiate such international treaties with itself. If we leave without a transitional deal (the thing Theresa May is trying to get past the blockheads in parliament) then under international law, we have no right of travel without a visa. So no, it's not a question of the EU "starting a tit-for-tat". It's a matter of international law.

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1 hour ago, 68vitesse said:


With the cost of travel insurance never seemed sensible to just rely on the EHIC, as to visas there are many none EU contries where British Citizens do not need a visa so will Europe start a tit for tat visa war?.




It is already clear that the EU will impose the same conditions on UK citizens coming here to europe that the UK has already implied it will introduce. EU citizens are already having to register in the UK. A couple of EU countries are looking to do the same for Brits living there.At present France is playing a "wait & see" card on the subject.

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1 hour ago, Colin Lindsay said:


It won't be long until someone starts offering visa-free holidays to boost their own country's tourism, or a relaxation of passport regulations, or cuts a few deals behind backs. THEN, when the EU cuts up and gurns about flouted regulations, they too can start a Brexit process of their own. Watch and see.

The problem with that is here there is the free movement article. Once on the mainland there are no border checks within this zone, so if, for example, France did this visitors could then drive to Spain without any controls. I think the instant one country tried this the rest would jump on them.

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1 hour ago, NonMember said:

There are countries where we don't need a visa, yes, because in ALL THOSE CASES we have previously negotiated a visa waver agreement. We don't have such an agreement in place with th EU because we are a member of the EU, so it would be meaningless. Further, we cannot currently negotiate such an agreement with the EU because (yes, you guessed it) we are a member of the EU and the EU cannot (legally) negotiate such international treaties with itself. If we leave without a transitional deal (the thing Theresa May is trying to get past the blockheads in parliament) then under international law, we have no right of travel without a visa. So no, it's not a question of the EU "starting a tit-for-tat". It's a matter of international law.

Further to that the UK is a member of the EEA via its membership of the EU. So once out of the EU it is out of the EEA until it can negotiate a new deal. . .Boy is it complicated... 2 years to sort it out? it takes longer than that to agree when they will have for lunch!

Just seen a headline in Le Figaro - May wants to reopen the deal she has with the EU. . .2 months to go!

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Slick 50

Just thought I would remind everyone of the original thread :rolleyes:

Thread drift, that is the problem/advantage of this forum, even if the original topic is "wiggly widgets versus wobbly widgets" which wouldn't interest/concern me after a few replies I have to look at the thread to where it has gone to . . . 💨

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39 minutes ago, Pete Lewis said:

we need to improve thread drift away from brexit   im with slick 50   

slick 69 is the other forum   you know the one Dougs blaming me for .

back to the slippery stuff you dont need 


The slippery stuff we dont need is   Jean claude Junker............


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Should we have penalty points for the contributer who started the thread drift.

Should we vote on it or has the answer already been decided.

2 hours ago, Pete Lewis said:

we need to improve thread drift away from brexit   im with slick 50   

slick 69 is the other forum   you know the one Dougs blaming me for .

back to the slippery stuff you dont need 





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2 hours ago, dave.vitesse said:

I used slick 50 a number of years ago and it made no difference to the oil pressure. I wonder if it's capable of solving the Brexit conundrums. Not to sure what conundrums means but I thought I would use it because sounds better that c**k up.



I would have thought the Slick50 dropped the oil pressure when cold as it's viscosity would, of course, be less than 20W50 to prevent engine damage claims after use.

I would love to know its grade, but guess 5W30? No need for the miracle ZDDP, as it's PTFE, aka Teflon™. It was also a miracle because of its ability to coat parts. LOL
Sorry for the font change too many  ™™™.


Iain Lion Tail.

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