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Well things have settled a bit here in Aus we were up at $2.20/litre then the Federal Gov halved the tax so went down to just under $2/litre and yesterday I paid $1.58/litre for 91 Ron petrol BUT it’s Easter so it’ll probably go up again as the petrol co’s gouge.

haven’t heard of any max purchases, around last Nov it was down to just over a $1/litre for quite a while!

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3 hours ago, Peter Truman said:

Well things have settled a bit here in Aus we were up at $2.20/litre then the Federal Gov halved the tax

That's going to end up being a problem for many round the world - they need to recoup the cost of Covid but everyone is shouting for lower taxes. Where's the money going to come from?

Over here we have a huge amount of £330 million that was earmarked for various projects but no-one in the local Assembly can agree on what it should be spent on, so all the little Mickey Mouse parties with their eye on the upcoming elections want it given as a lump sum to every household to pay bills. And then what? It's gone, the next month's bills are still there, so what then? 

Everyone's clamouring: tax the super rich! Windfall tax on companies! In other words, put everyone else's taxes up, not ours...

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2 hours ago, Colin Lindsay said:

That's going to end up being a problem for many round the world - they need to recoup the cost of Covid but everyone is shouting for lower taxes. Where's the money going to come from?

Over here we have a huge amount of £330 million that was earmarked for various projects but no-one in the local Assembly can agree on what it should be spent on, so all the little Mickey Mouse parties with their eye on the upcoming elections want it given as a lump sum to every household to pay bills. And then what? It's gone, the next month's bills are still there, so what then? 

Everyone's clamouring: tax the super rich! Windfall tax on companies! In other words, put everyone else's taxes up, not ours...

The solution chosen is a few years of high inflation, the tax that most people don't think of as a tax. The amount of the debts will still remain but the value of them, in real terms, is diminished. 

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53 minutes ago, cliff.b said:

The solution chosen is a few years of high inflation, the tax that most people don't think of as a tax. The amount of the debts will still remain but the value of them, in real terms, is diminished. 

Never thought of that. It's going to be a while of belt-tightening for all of us, cutting back in all directions; we're already having the club runs with less miles and no large meal at the end, or at least not every run.

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16 minutes ago, Colin Lindsay said:

Never thought of that. It's going to be a while of belt-tightening for all of us, cutting back in all directions; we're already having the club runs with less miles and no large meal at the end, or at least not every run.

Yes, I find that I'm subconsciously thinking twice before going out for a run just for fun, but still take the Triumph in preference to the modern when possible, like yesterday I was able to combine a run out with some shopping. The thing that does bother me is the price of heating fuel up by 50%ish compared to past cost. Fingers are crossed that when I do need to reorder it will be more reasonable. Under normal circumstances I would be ordering some now.

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The News keeps telling us the cost of our Electricity is going to jump, for why its locally produced and consumed from local resources, coal (yes supposed shut down in around 5 years), gas, solar (incl batteries), hydro, turbine (no nuclear) we don't rely on any outside country supply. Presumably money costs ie interest and loans is a driver or is it just gouging by a CEO of an oil company divested into power Ha?

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8 hours ago, Peter Truman said:

The News keeps telling us the cost of our Electricity is going to jump, for why its locally produced and consumed from local resources, coal (yes supposed shut down in around 5 years), gas, solar (incl batteries), hydro, turbine (no nuclear) we don't rely on any outside country supply. Presumably money costs ie interest and loans is a driver or is it just gouging by a CEO of an oil company divested into power Ha?

But oil and gas are still priced as commodities on the world market. Coal too I expect, but we have almost completely stopped using coal. Just because it is produced locally doesn't make its value different. The producers will sell to the highest bidder. Unless the state owns all the production?

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Would love to use the Spitfire instead of the modern but fitting two adults and the mini wolf in the Spit is something of a problem. Trying to work out if I could take off the boot lid and fit a dog crate in the boot. Suppose it would bring a new dimension to the old question of what do you carry in your boot. Sadly, she's rubbish with spanners (the mini wolf that is, not Lady BW)

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In Ipswich I had to go to 4 stations this morning before I could get any diesel. Asda station was completely closed, as was Morrisons. The new Shell just off the A14 had no diesel. Managed to get some at another Shell, but they were just putting the tags on the E10 petrol pumps as I pulled in. All those stations are within 1 to 2 miles of each other.

I think I paid about 1.78/l , but I tried not to look.

Glad I'm not going away for Easter 😕 

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Will have a look at the local Tesco's early tomorrow morning. Californian Chardonnay on offer at Lidl tomorrow £3.25/bottle. One of my favourites. Tesco is next door so if they have a half price offer on 4* I will let you know... but don't hold your breath!!! Chardonnay is rubbish in the Spitfire, soots up the plugs.

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