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Paul H

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Everything posted by Paul H

  1. You might want to include a warning light to show when the od is engaged , I’ve done this on my Vitesse Paul
  2. EBay or Amazon , great to work with , cut with scissors , heat up with heat gun , follow contours with wallpaper roller. Much cheaper than Dynamat https://www.google.com/search?q=silent+coat+4mm&rlz=1CDGOYI_enGB820GB820&oq=silentcoat&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j35i39i305j0i10i457j0i10l3.8779j0j4&hl=en-GB&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 Paul
  3. There are cheaper versions. I used Silent Coat on my Vitesse and pleased with the result Paul
  4. On my vitesse mk2 the od stalk is on the rhs with the indicator arm in front Paul
  5. The DVLA advises that, should you find any V5Cs being offered for sale on eBay, or any other similar websites, e-mail cio.vehicles@dvla.gsi.gov.uk with the item/auction number, so that it can look into the issue and take further appropriate action, if necessary. Paul
  6. Looks like it’s S&M Classics ltd now Paul
  7. I wonder if there are still letters in the post box 😱 whats the name of the company ? Paul
  8. I moved to the Club version of top link and Gaz . I started at position 4 which was far too harsh . Settled on position 2 and so far all good for the past 3 years Paul
  9. Pretty sure TRGB bought all the spares from Manvers Triumph Paul
  10. This link might help I would add I found the hazards were poor quality and unreliable plus the wiring is over complicated . I have since removed them and fitted another system . Hopefully the hazards the shop sells have been improved Paul
  11. Hi welcome to the Forum , were a friendly bunch with lots of experts ready to help . Re fuel I use Tesco Momentum 99 Ron in my Vitesse and don’t use additives . If I can’t find a Tesco station I use 95 Ron with an Octane additive Paul
  12. My Vitesse is the same and only go from 3rd to 2nd at 20mph ish . Any more than that I get a “crunch” Paul
  13. I did mod mine with a stud clip which will unclip for rear seat access . If you want a set let me know Paul
  14. I used standard Gates Barricade on my Vitesse . I also added an inline fuel tap which can act as a security device . I did reroute the pipe to make the tap more accessible Paul
  15. My first port of call had been Canleys . Good prices , fast delivery and they know what they are talking about Paul
  16. Screwfix Degreaser is ok . I also use brake cleaner aerosol tooolstation about £3.50 Paul
  17. Haven’t checked the others yet too warm today. Paul.
  18. Purchased the Gunson Tracrite From previous comments I was expecting excessive Toe In This turned out to be correct Jack up the wheel loosen the track rod with 3/4 AF holding the track rod in place with a 5/8 AF . Add tape to show how much movement you have made . Slacken off steering rack gaiter 2.5 turns and tighten up , settle and retest Now within tolerance Thanks for input Paul
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